

Lily loved to lay down on the electric carpet beside me.. 
chocola loved to lay down in front of the heater.. 
he didn't even walk out side in a cold day.. 

Andy loves going out and I thought he doesn't care of weather... 
in a rainy day...  in a cold day.. 
he walks with me.. 

in these days, it has been very cold..  and
I turned on the heater this afternoon when I let Andy free.. 

as soon as I turned it on, he came  and sat down 
beside me in front of the heater and
started nodding his head.. 
it was fun to look at him and I kept on observing him what's gonna happen.. 

then, he started taking a nap... 

he is such a cute boy!!!!!

ショコラは とっても寒がりで

そして Andyも ストーブを点けたとたん
でも 私がいるので 遠慮がちに すわり込んで

見ていると こくりこくり と 頭がうなだれて
居眠りを 始めた・・
Andyも 寒がりなの・・・・???

getting calm down..

andy is looking for something to eat in the kitchen...

my daughter said to me..
Andy is getting calm down and used to live with us little by little..

while I let him free, he grabs anything and plays with them as usual...
but..  dogs are interested in anything.. 
even children, they are interested in anything  just like dogs.. 
he , off course, takes time to let him learn and we need a lot of love to care of Andy
which doesn't know any manners.. 

he has been learning even a little...  every day..

for example,
he can wait for his dinner nicely..
he used to bark at us eating our dinner ....  and tried to jump over to the table before..
he sometimes tries to close the table.. 
but   he mostly sits down and wait for his diner quietly... 
once a while, he barks at us for dinner though.. 
muuuuch better...   !!!!!

he tries to poo and pee on the sheet now.. 
I give him some treats when he does his business neatly.. 
when he get high, he forgets about it..
and pees near the sheet...  not on the sheet... 
muuuuuc better...  !!!!

takes time to train him.. 
he is not only a naughty boy but also a smart boy..  !!!!!

yesterday, when we were walking on the street, a lady got close to us ..
Andy also jumped over her.. 
she said.. 
this dog is very friendly and cute!!!!

when we ran across my boss, Andy just flew to him... 
seemed to be sooo happy to be padded by my boss.. 

when we ran across my boss pushing a client in the wheel chair ,
the client said to Andy
come on!
then, Andy jumped over her.. 
she padded Andy  a lot..!!!!! 

Andy is deserve to be loved...  

eating competition....

Andy eats anything really fast... 
he will win the first prize if there is a eating competition for dogs  .. 
like we do..  hayagui kyousou... 

as he doesn't chew so much ,
central nerve doesn't send information what he eats something.. 
you know what I mean.. 

and he doesn't doesn't feel full.. and tries to look for something eat.. 
if he chewed a lot, he would feel stuffed..  right ??

I try to feed him his food in a small jar so that .. 
he needs a couple of minutes to finish it up ...
and I try this several times... 
he finishes all his food,
he wants some more though...     

when we walk in the evening,
he did his business outside.. 
and he didn't pull me so strong.. 

he's been learning.. I guess...  a little...  not sure... 

hope this happened not only today but also tomorrow...  day after tomorrow.. forever...

he exists  in the new world where he's never been ... 

he was sure confused in the new world when he got here.. 
but not now.. 
he found many new things in his new life..  .. 

I'm gonna find new life myself like andy..

take a nap

when I was uploading this blog,
I let him free..
he came to my room and taking a nap for a while beside me... 
just few mints.. 

oh...  no..  andy..

I kept him in the fridge this morning while I was out..
as soon as I got back here, I was sooooo surprised.... 

no waaaaaay!!!!!  Andy!!!!!
what did you do!!!!!
he broke 2 rice balls..   2 sesame grinders and Chinese seasoning and
pieces were all over around him..... !!!!!

the rice balls were the things which I finally found and bought a week ago.. 
I was sooooo shocked to see them... 

what shame...  
no words for him... 

I need to look for the rice balls again... 
I can't run across the good ones recently though... 



I have sticked andy to the telephone bord by the lead...
otherwise, he's gonna make a mess all over the house....
also, eat anything...  pulus, poo and pee everywhere he wants... 
as I've already mentioned it ... 

today, as he jumped up to my daughter and me so many times,
the drawer of the bord got broken... 

I needed it fixed...  you know..
so..  I tried to stick andy to the fridge this tme... 
then, he could reach the kitchen table... 
and he grabbed a flower and gubled it down... 
no way..! andy!!!!!
today's victim was the flower... 
too bummer...   

also, he had some chocolate tort which my daughgter baked at night..
I told her to put it far from andy because he's gonna have it all...  for sure..
she did ... 
however, it was not far enough for andy..
he could reach it and had some ... 
he stretched his body as long as he could...
and he was very silent when he was stealing it.. 
when I noticed what he was doing, it was too late... 

but.. you know..
chocolate is not for dog.. 
our former dogs which had chocolates threw up right after they had some.. 
against my thought, andy didn't throw up... 
he seemed he wanted more... 

no words for andy... 
he is really tomboy... naughty.. selfish...   but..  friendly.. and cute...  sometimes... 

I believe he's gonna be a great dog if he would take training... 
he is still young enough to be trained and learn quickly... 
he needs a lot of love which he has never had before.. 

hope he will meet a wonderful family soooooon...  

I baked  a chocolate mooth..
my dauhgter baked a chocolate tart ...
when she put it on the table to cool down,
Andy could readch  and  grabbed it... 
here is proof... 

biiiiiiig bone .....!!!!!

when Andy and I were walking in the morning, we  saw a lady chatting with a neighbor... 
her neighbor keeps a dog as well... 
Andy was soooo happy to see the lady...  and so was she... 
she padded him and talked to Andy.. 

after my job, I took him out for a walk...
right after we stepped out our site, we ran across tom living in the same place. 
tom was muuuuuuuch bigger than Andy... 
his weight is 35kg according to his owner... 
tom and Andy just greeted nicely... 
they were interested in each other though.. 
tom's owner and I chatted about our dogs... 
he seemed to be difficult to control tom because he is sooooo powerful and active..
tom is only 9 months.. but ...  really really huuuuuge..!!!!! 

after we said good bye, we were headed to a lady's place... 
Andy couldn't wait to see her ... so he walked as fast as he could..
means...  he pulled me soooooo strong...!!!!!
I ordered Andy to slow down..
but.. he didn't listen to me at all.. 

however...  on the way there, he did his business though... 
he just couldn't win the business... 

the lady was waiting for us coming by
as soon as she saw us, she flew back to her house and got a biiiiiiig  mild flavored bone

I really appreciated her... 
Andy held it in his mouth during walking... 
it's naughty to eat outside..
andy knows it and he could wait until we got home.. 

おばちゃんは めちゃくちゃ 大きいおやつガムを 用意して
Andy を 待っててくれた・・
それを加えて Andyは ずっとお散歩・・・

ありがとう より もっと ありがとうを 表すことばが 要るほど

いろんな人と 知り合えた 事
暖かい 言葉を 掛けてくれること

本当に 温まる・・・

それは Andyも きっと 感じてるはず・・・

happy enough ... andy..

when we were walking, we saw the lady this

although it was raining outside , I took him out..
he did his business in the house however...  to inhale the fresh air is good for Andy and me as well... 
andy was sooo happy to see her and so was she...
she padded Andy a lot...!!!!!

we chatted a little ..  I was kind of rush because I needed to go to work early in the morning..

when we were walking this evening, we saw my co-worker and we chatted a little there.. 
then, Andy suddenly  pulled my and jumped over somewhere... 
I saw the direction where he was looking at....
there was the lady...!!!!!

Andy flew to her and jumped over her... 
she said...  she didn't have any treats for Andy ...    she was sorry.. 
but  she remembered that she bought some chikuwa.. 
and she gave Andy one of them... 
but...   he had to wait for this until he got back home.... 
right after we got home, he seemed as if he had remembered the chikuwa..
he sniffed my bag... 
so, I gave it to him.. 
well....  I didn't steal it from Andy though... 

she always gives Andy something... 
she just likes  Andy... and so Andy does...!!
nowadays, Andy thinks she is his boss...  not me... 

I feel  sorry for her she had to give something to Andy  every time we see know..
I said ...
I'm sorry for the treats for Andy... 
she replied me..
no way...!! 
I like him and I just wanna give hm treats...     don't feel sorry  about it... 

I really appreciate her what she always does for Andy... 
I thank my heavenly father for such kind of happy time for andy...!!!!!

今日も朝早く お散歩中に おばちゃんに 
おばちゃんは 家の前で Andy を 待っていてくれてた・・・
でも 私は 早く仕事にいかなくちゃいけないので
ちょっとだけ おばちゃんとおしゃべりして 帰宅・・・

夕方のお散歩中にも おばちゃんに会った・・
今日は おやつ 何にも もってへんわ~

あっ そうや いいもん あるわ~

おもむろに ちくわを 取り出した・・

家に帰ってから もらうんやで~

Andy 物ほしそうに みてたけど
じっと 我慢・・・

いつもいつも ありがとう・・

a lady...

today's victim was a stuffed animal.. 
andy found it and played with him... 

I haven't seen a lady who likes Andy and gave him a treat the other day..
when I walked with Andy this evening, I just wondered what she has been doing... ??

just passed by the park, we saw her at last... 
she also wondered why she didn't see us for over a couple of days... 
she took out a treat from her bag and gave it to Andy... 
I was surprised at her..
she said...
she kept this treat in her bag so that she gave it to Andy right away.. 
I was sooooo happy to hear that... you know...
she thinks of Andy a lot... 
maybe.. more than I do... 
today, I was kind of disappointed at what happened to Andy...
so, she made me feel better... 
I almost cried..  not because of sad... but happiness... 

I thank my heavenly father for the chance to see her today...
I don't even know her name... 
she cares of Andy and so does her son... 

I thank my people who cares of the dogs with their pure hearts... 
I really appreciate them... 
they don't imagine  how much I appreciate.. 

my favorite one didn't care of me at all...
I hurt so much..  I was not his girl friend..  was not even his friend.. 
I felt like as if I was nothing... 
I wondered why he saw me ... 

even if he didn't care of me, someone did when I needed... 
"when one door shuts, another open.. "

Andy dumped once... 
but he was rescued and now some people support him now... 

I sometimes run across my co-workers during walking with Andy,
they care of him so much.. 
the people whom  I got to know by walking with dogs always
worry about the dogs.. 

when I need, they give me their hands.. they supports me so much..

I don't care if they supposts me little or a lot..  
I do care the truth that they support me ... 
I just thank for their warm hearts which I've been receiving... 

andy also  knows it..    he feels it... 
he deserved it because he has been through the hard times before
with his former owner... 

Hope he would meet a wonderful family sooooon... 

今日の犠牲者は わんちゃん・・・
ぶんぶん 振り回され・・・
それでも 強かった・・・
どこも 破れてなかったよ・・・

Andy を とっても可愛がってくれる 
自称 おばちゃん と 
暫く 会ってない・・・

Andyも 心なしか さびしそう・・・
信号で 同僚と会い
Andy が やたらと 引っ張る・・・
どうしたのかと 思った その先に
おばちゃんが いる!!

あっ Andy おばちゃんや~

と 同僚との立ち話を 
そそくさと 打ち切り
おばちゃんの 元へ ダッシュ・・・
Andyは とっても 嬉しそう・・・
でも おばちゃんも めちゃくちゃ 嬉しそう!

おばちゃんも 私たちの 事 いつも 気にしてくれていたみたい・・

で 今日も Andyに おやつガム 用意してくれていて
自転車の 前かごから 無造作に 取り出して くれた・・

いつあんたらに あってもいいように ずっと持ち歩いててんで~

ほんまに いつも Andyの事
気に掛けてくれてて ありがとう!!!!

いい加減な気持ちでしか 私を見てくれず
一緒に夜をすごしても 友達としか 思ってももらえない人から
多々 非情な 扱いを受けて 悲しい気持ちになる・・・

そんな時 何故か どこからともなく
いろんな人々から やさしい 声が掛かる・・・
誰にも 何も 言いもしていないのに・・・

Andyも 前の 飼い主から
挙句のはて 捨てられて

今 おばちゃんの様な人に

毎日 毎日
感謝する事が たくさん・・・