the association which I belong to picked up Ai this afternoon....
she was taken to the foster family...
she has just learned where to do her business in the house...
but , she is a devil ...
I stayed over my friend place last night and
I got back home this morning...
right after I opened the door in the living room,
I was soooooo surprised to see the floor..... !!!!!
my plants , soil and garbage and Christmas tournaments were all over....
she made a big mess all over the floor.... !!!!!
I vacuumed and cleaned it up with anger...
then, I took Nono out for a walk... for her business...
she did a big poo !!!!!
she has been waiting for me at the door just after I got home though....
she has never failed her business... pee and poo...
the association said to me...
she would bring another dog in a couple of days...
golden retrieve...
wow.... !!!!!
sooner or later, nono would be gone...
I think the lady who is interested in Nono likes dogs...
and she kept a dog before... but it died last July...
she wants an active dog...
and Nono is perfect to her taste...
my kids miss ai so much....
but.. she would be happy at her new family...
good by Ai....
投稿者 miyumiyu 時刻: 18:32
ラベル: diary . 日記
my oldest daughter has worked for 3 companies .... a famous sushi shop, a famous izakaya and
a convinience store...
also, she studies really hard subjects at school...
plus, she is busy to hang around with her firneds...
therefore, I don't have a lot of chances to see and talk with her...
my second daughter has been hooked on the cram school...
she goes there every day...
not only one or 2 hours... but also, 3 or 4 hours...
on weekend,
she stays there from morning to evening...
sometimes, she comes back for lunch and get back there again...
I hope she's gonna pass an entrance exam of school where she wants go.....
my youngest daughter has done very hard in the turtle club...
recently she got motivated to play especially soccer ...
she first started it last spring.. and she didn't even do lifting...
however, she can do that several times continuously...
me... never...
and plus, she walks with a dog a lot...
if I asked her something different, she would say...
no way, mom...
it is troublesome... !!
but ... about dogs...
she never complains me...
she wipes the floor which got dirty by puppy's poo and pee...
she feeds them their foods...
she washes puppy's body in the bathroom...
she can pick up dog's poo ...
amazing !!!!! really...
she has been affected by keeping dogs at home...
blind date...
I took nono to the park to meet a guy which is interested in her the other day...
he seemed he loved dogs and Nono was friendly to him...
nono is really scared at people...
I guess she got some bad memories which she never forget...
if his family would love to keep her, I have to take her back to the association...
which means... say good by to her...
another puppy is going to meet a guy who is interested in her in the end of this year...
Hope, he would love her so that I would be released from her terrible behavior...
and I...
still... sometiems ...
I see and stay with my firned's place
I tried to leave him and forget about him a couple weeks ago...
but he gave me a call and
asked me to see him after 2 weeks without any contacts from him...
I get realy to leave him anytime becasue I do't wanna be struggeled with
any problmes...
I have been haveing hectic days with puppies...
in early morning , I walk with Nono...
and I do Billy little bit...
feed them...
taking care of puppies and my girls...
do house keeping jobs...
go to work...
get ready for the english lessons...
work for Turtle , dodgeball and soccer club,
but... I really appreciate my heavenly father to meet nice puppies..
nice pople... nice chances...
and all my girls have been very genki...
I am pleased to have puppy and my girls with me..
and I thank my fiend to care of me a little... not a lot though...
投稿者 miyumiyu 時刻: 12:11

投稿者 miyumiyu 時刻: 21:09
ラベル: diary . 日記