missed poo...
Luna missed where to poo today..
I told her not to do pooing at the place where the sheet was set with my loudly voice..
then, she got really quiet..
she looked up me as if she was scared at me..
she followed me wherever I went like a stalker...
when I got in to the bathroom, she came to the bathroom and sat just in front of the door as usual..
she was scolded by me , she laid down and looked at different direction...
how poor you are... luna..
Hopefully, she could meet her new family who loved luna until she passed away...
I thank my heavenly father for being with her.....
今日は 朝からウンチを 長女の部屋でして
ここでしちゃー駄目でしょ! って
大声で 怒ったもんだから
ルナは ちょっといじけてる・・・
私が歩くところ どこでもストーカーの様についてくるルナ・・
トイレまで一緒にやって来て ドアの前でじっと待ってる・・・
でも 今日は 怒られたもんだから
それでも じっ~と出てくるのを 待ってる・・
この後 暫く ルナを無視・・・
犬が 粗相をした時には
目をあわさず 無視するのが 一番効く・・・ と
何か 悪いことをしたら
目をあわさず 暫く無視することに決めてる・・・
でも 無視されても どこへでも
尻尾 ふりふり 嬉しそうに 私を見上げる・・・
本当に 可愛いルナ・・・
ルナの 命の終わるときまで
ずっとそばにいて ルナを愛してくれる 家族と
ルナと 出会えた事に 感謝です・・・
luna walked with me neatly all the time..!
she got used to walking on the road now..
we saw some doggies out there..
luna was scared of other doggies..
but.. little by little.. she got close to them...
then, we saw some my collegues on our way..
some of them pat her head...
luna was very quiet .. not so friendly... but never bark...
she learned how to walk with me ...
what a great dog!!!!!
途中 知り合いのわんちゃん達に出会った ルナ・・・
ルナからも くんくん匂いを嗅ぎに・・・
such a good doggie
right after I put a lead on her , she just stopped walking and laid down on the floor.
so, I gave up to take out luna for a walk this morning..
in the evening, I put a lead on her and took her out of the door...
then, fortunately she started running on the hallway of our place...
Oh.. luna .. what happen to you !!!
in front of the steps, she stopped running...
so, I had to pick her up..
when I got on the ground, I let her walk .....
first she sniffed.. then, she started walking.. !
she walked with me 70% in our walking this evening..!
this was the longest distance she has ever walked..!!!!!
when she ran across some glasses, she quit walking and tried to have some glasses as usual..
she did a good job today!!!!!
she missed poos on the sheet though..
as she did poo twice, she all missed...
but .. she did pee on the sheet neatly...
夕方にもう一度 挑戦・・
ルナも 走り出した!
頑張ってもうちょっと走ってみよう !
散歩の途中で 他のわんちゃんと遭遇・・・
向こうも怖がりのわんちゃんで ルナも怖がり・・・
二人で 匂いをかぎっこしたり
でも 全く吠えないルナ・・・
今日は お散歩の70%ぐらい 歩いてくれた・・
この調子で 明日も頑張ってみよう!
going for a walk...
I took out Luna for a walk..
just in front of the door..,
she stopped walking...
she didn't even get out of the door either.. you know..
so, I let her lead away and I stepped out of the door first..
then, she followed me just as soon as I got out of the door..
I observed her what to do..
she sniffed the floor.. and walked a few steps..
then, she stopped walking... stopped moving..
so, I walked few steps forward..
then, she started walking again..
I picked up her lead and tried to walk with her..
but.. soon after I got her lead, she sat down.. not walk..
so, I pulled her strongly and ran..
then, she ran as well...
she ran for 50m long..
good job!!
however, in front of the steps, she stopped running..
I held her and went down on the steps..
when I let her down on the road, she laid down and didn't move at all...
so , I pulled her strong and ran..
then, she ran again.. but soon, she stopped running..
too bummer....
however she walked for 100m... and this was the longest distance she has ever walked !!!!
great !!! isn't it ??
but after that, I kept holding her until I ran across my colleague
she was also walking with her dog .. I let Luna down on the road and watched what to do
with another dog..
I let her meet some dogs when I walked outside before..
Luna was really quiet and scared at other dogs..
but today, Luna got close to her dog , sora chan... and
sora chan got close to Luna as well...
Luna doesn't bark at other dogs at all..
really quiet.. scared..
during our chat, Luna tried to find some leaves which she loves..
she needs time to get used to go for a walk...