Liz got home after the operation in safe and sound...
as she hasn't been feeling well since the operation,
she has laid down and keep sleeping...
she hasn't eaten drunk anything since she got home...
she doesn't even have some cheese and chicken which she loves...
how can I do for her ????
all I can do is to sit beside her and pad her...
hopefully, tomorrow she would be O.K and go for a walk again ..
Lizが 手術から 戻ってきたけど
よほどしんどいのか ずっと横になったまま・・・
何も 食べず 飲まず
大好きな チーズもチキンも 食べようとしない・・・
ちょっと おばさんの Lizには 術後は思った以上に
側に座って なでなで してあげることだけ・・・
しんどそうなLizを 見ているのが
とっても 辛い・・・
明日は 今日より よくなっていますように・・・
as Liz's gonna take a sterilization operation tomorrow,
Mrs Y came over to pick her up for the operation...
it is awful for female to get that operation because
Dr cuts and stitches stomach very long...
about male, no prob !
but for female... it must hurt... Ouch!!!!
Lily took the sterilization operation during staying with us..
and she seemed to be in pain for a couple of days...
hope Liz would be O.K...
and come back here in safe and sound...
Lizは 明日 不妊手術を受ける・・
女の子は お腹を たっくさん切るので
男の子に比べて とっても痛そう・・・・
前 うちにいた Lily も 小さい身体に
見てる方が 痛くなる・・・
無事に手術が 済みますように・・・
oh.... .. how darlin....
I put Halloween costume on Liz ...
I expected it would be good on her..
she looked soooo good as I exactly expected ...
she might complain about this to me...
I really thank my heavenly father for sending us Liz...
she sometimes needs to be controlled when she sees another dogs...
but ...
she saves my life with her warm heart...
she seems to understand my thoughts as if she was really able to know what I felt...
I'm sure , she will find a wonderful family to be with in the rest of her life because
she is derseved it...... we all love ya !!!!!
Lizに ハロウィーンのコスチュームを着せてみた・・
絶対似合うと思った とおり
なんで こんな物着せてるの~って
人間に 心を開くのには 時間が 掛かるけど
愛情を持って 接してくれれば
Lizも信用して 甘えて来てくれる・・・
本当に 可愛くて お利巧な Liz・・・
絶対に 素敵な家族が 迎えに来てくれて
最後の時まで 幸せに してくれるように・・・
今日は 車から 降りてきた女の人が
” すみません~” って 声を掛けてこられたので
道でも 聞かれるのかと思ったら
” わんちゃんの 写真とってもいいですか~”
って 携帯を 構えた・・・
どうぞどうぞ お好きなだけ・・・
私たちと 過ごしてくれて
素敵な時間を ありがとう・・・ Liz・・・