Lily loved to lay down on the electric carpet beside me..
chocola loved to lay down in front of the heater..
he didn't even walk out side in a cold day..
Andy loves going out and I thought he doesn't care of weather...
in a rainy day... in a cold day..
he walks with me..
in these days, it has been very cold.. and
I turned on the heater this afternoon when I let Andy free..
beside me in front of the heater and
started nodding his head..
it was fun to look at him and I kept on observing him what's gonna happen..
then, he started taking a nap...
he is such a cute boy!!!!!
ショコラは とっても寒がりで
そして Andyも ストーブを点けたとたん
でも 私がいるので 遠慮がちに すわり込んで
見ていると こくりこくり と 頭がうなだれて
居眠りを 始めた・・
Andyも 寒がりなの・・・・???