
lily... you.. such a genki girl... !!

I mentioned that lily sometimes got high-per..

last night, she played with my girl as usual...

such an active girl !!!!!


besides that, she is very quiet and a fantastic girl... !!!!

she behaves herself so well...

見てるのが 本当に 面白い・・
人の 話が 良くわかる・・・
そして りりーの気持ち・・・
りりーと 一緒に時間を過ごせてる事に


as a human...

for some reasons, lily suddenly gets high tension and

runs around in my house !!!!!

I have no idea what makes her so...

we always laugh at a highper Lily...

today, she sits down just like a human being...


大体において おとなしいりりー
でも 突然 何を思うのか
リビング 台所 廊下 カウチの上
すっごい勢いで 走り出して

数分後 また 普通に戻る・・
私たちは そんな りりーを 
又 始まったで~ ・・・
と げらげら笑う・・・

ホント 急に態度が変わって
2重人格 みたいなりりー

今日は 人間のように お座りしてるでしょ?


many thing to learn...

my client has stayed at the hospital since last Sat.
and her husband wants regular services as usual...

then, she needs extra services every day...

I was supposed to visit them today for a long time...
but my boss told me she had entered the hospital and
her daughter asked us to watch her in day time...

according to her daughter , she tried to take out the needle of IV ...
her daughter in low watches her from morning to the time we visit her...
at night, another daughter in low or her daughter stays with her..

my boss told me to visit and watch her from 14 to 17 pm if possible...
I replied her.. no prob!

I visited her with my boss this afternoon
she looked fine...
the nurse came to her room many times on duty... such as..

add more IV,
check her blood pressure
take out her pee
clean her grown...
change her diaper.

her doctor came to see how she was doing and
she explained her condition to me... who is not her family...

a tea service came...
a hot towel service came...

within 3 hours,
there were many visitors...
and I learned many new things from them...

her daughter in low visited her and
when I said to my client that I should leave for my office,
she said...
oh... so sooon ?
why don't you stay here more...

her daughter in low told me that
I was her favorite...
she would miss you ...

I am not her family though...
I am glad that she said so...
I have my own family to take care of...

by the way...
my boyfriend ordered another pineapples as I mentioned before...
he gave me a call and said...
they would be delivered in a couple of days...
and he said....
he ordered mini mangoes as well...
oh... that's nice... but...
do I happen to have some mangoes ?????

I don't expect anything any more...
I have enough..

I feel like getting punishment if I desire more and more...
I have enough...

I start thinking of breaking up again... but yet,

I thank my heavenly father for his presents...
which he has given me since I was born in this earth..

lily... such a smart girl !

when a door between kitchen and the hall way nearly closes, lily stops walking
in front of the door .. because she can't open and go through it...

but.. I taught her how to open it with her legs...
just push it.... very simple...

then, I let her try...
she first tried and did it!!
Oh my gash !!!!!
she could do it !!!!!
she learned soooooo quickly !!!!!

I told my girls about it and
I let her try to let them see lily opening it...
unfortunately, how many times she tried, she couldn't at all...

she just sobs...
even if she fails , I believe in her she can do it...

what a surprise !!!!!
yesterday, for some reasons, she remembered how to open the door...
when I called her name from the hall way, she hesitated for seconds,
but she naturally did it!!
although I let her do that over and over.
she was able to do that... !
how fantastic !!!!!
this is not by chance..
this morning, I let her try again...
no prob !!!!

she is a quick learner.. isn't she ??
she is a very faithful dog , I bet...
I really proud of her !!

キッチンと廊下の間にあるドアが 閉まりかけていると
ドアが 怖いのか 廊下の方から呼んでも

なので どうやって足で開けるのかを 
やらせてみると なんと一発で 出来た!!!
なんて 賢い子なんだ!

今教えたら もう覚えて自分であけるよ~
と 自慢げに 言って
もう一度 やらせてみる・・・


だって ちゃんと出来たもん・・・
何回かやらせてみても やっぱり出来ひん・・・

絶対出来るはず・・ と 
お母さんは りりーを 信じてるから・・・

すると 翌日 何気なしに
前足で ドアを押し開けた!!!!!
やっぱり りりーは 賢いお子やった!

え~ ほんまや~
りりー すごい!
と ほめられまくりの りりーでした・・・


after the surgery...

Lily got castrated last Thursday...
on that day and next morning, she wasn't O.K...
but later, she's got better and better ..
after I took out the pad from the scar,
she often licked it ....
a vet closed scar with 10 stitches thin wires and
he left the wire 5mm long each...
as they are bothering lily , she often licked them...
I've padded with tape so that she can't lick it and take the wires out..

she gets the regular lily...
when I came back home this morning,
she brought some memo pads which i put 1 meter tall cabinet , medaka fish feed in the basket which I hanged beside the cabinet and it was all over the floor...
stuffed animal which I didn't let her play... she found it somewhere and played it alone...
also, tissue as well...
however, she didn't miss pee.. awesome !!!!

as soon as I found those stuff, I cleaned up the living room first thing in the morning...
this is getting my custom now because of lily...

fist, my second daughter leaves home for school...
next, my youngest daughter leaves home for school...

at this time, she looks lonely....
then, I leave home for work...
I tell her that i need to work.. but I'll be back in a couple of hours...
so, don't make the house messy..
and be a good girl !!

she sends me off in front of the front door...

later... my oldest daughter leaves home for school...
she says....
lily doesn't send me off and she doesn't even look lonely...
doesn't she like me ?????

God knows... !!

心配したけど 今ではすっかりいつものりりー

今朝も あっちこっちから物を持って来て
床に 見せびらかしてるりりー
メモ用紙 確かボードの上においてたのに・・・
めだかのえさ バスケットに入れて 電話代に吊り下げてた・・・
ぬいぐるみ  これは りりー用に出してなかったのに・・・

ものめずらしい物を 見つければ 
ちゃっちゃと 持って来ては 遊んでる・・・
遊び終わったら ちゃんとお片付けしてくれると
なのに 、 朝一番の仕事は 
リビングに掃除機を かけることになりつつある・・・

これも 元気な証拠・・・
いろんな事を 体験させてあげなきゃ~
と 思いつつ・・・
時間との 戦いの朝・・・ イライラ感が・・・