
very friendly...

chocola which stayed with us for 3 months was not friendly to others besides us... 
however, Andy is very very friendly to other people.... 
when I walked with him this afternoon,
we saw some friends out there... 

first..  we saw a lady who kept 2 dogs at her place.. 
Andy got close to her and leaned on her... 
we chatted little and said good by... 

next... we saw a lady who kept a dog before.. 
  unfortunately, the dog passed away few years ago.. 
she tried to pad him and Andy got closed to her and leaned on her... 
we were chatting.. 

then, we saw my co-league...
she added our chat  ..
when we were chatting, Andy found a small rock and gobbled it... 

before I said "no!", they both caught Andy's mouth and tried to open it... 
Andy had to obey them ...  and showed what he got in his mouth... 

wow...   !! 
Andy .. didn't bark or howled or bite their fingers ... 
it was kind of scaring ... 
although  they didn't seem to care about Andy,
I did worried if he tried to do something bad to them... 

if it was chocola, he would roared and tried to bite them for sure.. 

the dogs never lie to me... 
they show their emotions honestly..
when they are happy , they wag their tails hundreds times... 
when they are sad, they don't eat..

but..  human tells a lie without any hesitations... 
I really hate it... 

散歩の途中で 知り合いにあった・・
まず 犬を2匹飼ってるお友達・・
Andyを見ると 近づいてきて

そのおばちゃんは 前にハスキーを飼っていた
いつも よく声を掛けてくれる・・
Andyは やっぱりそばに近寄って
Andyは その人にも 体を預けて
そのとき 石ころが おいしそうに見えたのか
口にいれて ばりばり言い出したら
その二人  Andyの口をがばっと開けて
”出しなさい! なんでも 食べたらあかん!”って 渇・・・

Andyは されるがまま・・・
Andyが その人たちを 噛むんじゃないかって

Andyは それでも めちゃくちゃフレンドリー・・・
可愛い! かっこいい! おとなしい!と 

犬たちは 絶対うそをつかない・・
目を らんらん光らせて

とっても正直に 感情を表してくれる・・・

でも 人間は 平気で うそを つくし
自分の為なら なおのこと・・・

とってもとっても 悲しい・・・

残酷な事を された犬は
ただひたすらに 我慢するだけ・・・

どんな思いで 一日 一日を 過してるの・・・?

Andy is getting used to live with us little by little... 
4 days have passed since he got here...  and
finally he has learned  that he has to be quiet  and
wait for the family in the cage... 

I don't know what made him quiet though... 
one of the reasons is that I give him some treats when he gets into it.. 
and also when he gets out of it... 
being in the cage is our selfish asking for him...  right??  

 he climbs up to the table to look for something to eat and he is very
tomboy...  but...   
he  understands to be quiet in the cage... 
if he trained right way, he would be a ausome dog...  !!!!!
because he is soooooo smart... 
one day...  one idea hit me...  and I tried it to Andy.. 
he..  did it what I thought... 

I showed it to my girls..
they laughed at Andy doing that.. 
I always make him do it when I feed him treats.. 
although I tried to take photos of it ,
I couldn't... 
I can show it to only the family who take scare of him... 

Andyが来て 4日経ち
ここで 生活することに慣れてきたのか
昨日から お留守番の間 ケージに入れてても

でも 入った時と 出る時には
だって こっちの勝手で ゲージに 入っててもらうし
ゲージに入る = おやつを もらえる 
Andy も それが 分かったんだね・・


walking with andy...

I take Andy for a walk everyday... 
he doesn't pull me stronger than I expected... 
he always walks with looking down on the road to find something to eat...
too bummer...

he seems to be starved  alllllll  the time... 
even after breakfast  and dinner... 
actually.. he is very skinny...   

he doesn't bark at other dogs at all...   
very very friendly to people ... 
really good dog... 
but... barking in the cage... 
nuts !!!!! 

I usually work 3 or 4 hours a day
however on Tuesday, I need to be out for 7 hours ... 
and I need him to be in the cage quietly .. otherwise... 
I can't care of him anymore  because neighbors get angry with his voice... 

other thing which he needs to be fixed is...  not to get on the table or the kitchen sink..
as he always tries to eat something, he looks for some food... 
he doesn't care if they are tasty or not...  

chocola used to eat anything..  spinach...  cabbage..  grapefruits..
even his own poo... 
but Andy doest eat fresh cabbage...and his poo though...

he doesn't know how to live with people..
I mean... he doesn't know the manners ...
I try to teach him what is good ad bad...
sometimes...  people are very selfish...
to keep dog, we force dogs to follow our customs...

he is alive.. and needs to find someone who cares of him in fact...
so..  I have to teach him manners...

 お散歩中は 思ったほどの 引っ張りは 無いけど
いっつも下を見て 何か食べられるもの落ちてないか 

時々 思い出したように こっちを見て
アイコンタクトを とってくる・・・
私は 食べ物より 大事じゃないのよね・・・

何が 良くて 何が悪いのか
人間に あわさなくちゃ いけない・・

テーブルに前足乗っけて 上の食べ物を がっついたり
シンクの 中にまで 顔を突っ込んで ごみをあさったり・・・

おまけに ガスコンロで 火に掛けてる お鍋にまで 顔を近づけたり・・・
口ひげ ・・・ ちょっと焦がしてるよ・・・ (^_^.) 

Kさんから 教えてもらった いけない事をした時の叱り方は
全く Andyには 通用しない・・・

Andyには 悪いけど 
リードで ちょいとくくりつけて おきましょう・・・

お留守番の間 ゲージにも 入っててもらわなくちゃ~ 
ちゃんと 出来るのかしら・・???

すっごく 悲しげな声をして

でもね お仕事行ってる間 

Kさんから これも教えてもらった方法を 試す・・・
こちらも あまり 効かない・・・

困った・・・・・ (-_-;)

でも そばに寄ってきて 
体を預けてくる 黒毛和牛の Andy は 本当に 可愛い・・・(*^_^*)


here is andy

chocola has gone to the new family..
and this afternoon, one black  Labrador retriever mix has came to our house... !!!!!
he is one year old and tomboy..!!!!!

he wanders around in our house and
he stands and peeks to find something eat... 

in the kitchen, he holds sink and looks inside of the sink... 
tries to have something..
or  garbage..    wastebasket ...  any where he smells something good... 

he gets close to the kitchen stove even though the pan is heated... 
he doesn't care... 

his face is very very cute... 
he was taken to the animal center by his former owner... 
what a shame.... 

Hope he would meet a new family soooon.....

黒のラブらドールレトリバー Mix が やって来た
とってもキュートな顔立ち 茶色い大きな お目目・・・
すっごくすっごく 黒毛和牛のよう・・・ 
ちょっと違うのは 長~い 足・・・
来て早々にAndyと 名づけたら
その 一分後には Andy と 呼ぶと
振り向いて 近寄ってくる・・・
なんて 賢い子なんだろう・・・

飼い主自ら 処分場に 連れ込んだだけしか分からない
彼の 以前の 生活が どんなだったか なぞ・・・

とりあえず 暫く 一緒に居ましょうね・・・


good by ... chocola

chocola has gone to the new family today...
as I went out with my oldest daughter this afternoon,
my little girls haded him over to Mrs. K..
and Mrs K would take him to his new family... 

my girl said to me..

chocola cried when he got into the car... 

he would be happy wit his new family and
I believe he'll be happy until his life would be ended...