Luna met a family in mino the other day...
and the family liked Luna ...
they decided to welcome Luna as one of their family...
I was sooo happy to hear that because I really wish Luna would spend her days happily forever...
she had been in the cage without love...
she didn't know about being loved... being happy... being cared of...
I do hope the new family care of Luna with a loooooot of love... !!!!!
since she got the surgery, she doesn't eat so much.. as I mentioned a lot here...
also... she has being spoiled... a little...
now she eats food from my hand...
but.. sometimes, even human being wants to be spoiled for the family...
even a mother acts like a child...
so, it would be O.K...
a couple days later, she would be what she used to be...
she eats food herself... but just little though ......
her teeth are not strong enough to crush hard food..
so, I need to make them soft... and small...
I have to make any food small pieces ..
she doesn't eat big stuff...
selebty girl... !!!!!
during walking with her, she sometimes stops walking ... and lays down on the street...
as if she didn't like to walk...
but if I pat her head and tell her...
you are such a good girl... so.. let's walk !!
then, she starts walking again...
I need to admire her and motivate her everytme she does something..
her new family would understand her well.. and love her until her life ends..
布団類・・・ 顔をうずめたり 中にもぐりこんだり・・・
狭い場所・・・ ちょっと暗くて 自分の体が 入るくらいのスペースで 一人で居るときは
ゆったり まったり・・・
キモ&お肉 ・・・ 私が貧血予防で食べる肝やお肉が好き・・・
ミルク・・・ お散歩の後など のどが渇いたら・・
チーズ・・・ スライスチーズ1/3 ぐらいをおやつ代わりに・・・
公園の葉っぱ・・・ 公園や川原へ行くと 葉っぱをムシャムシャ・・・
家族・・・ 知らない人には寄っていかず フレンドリーでは 無いけれど 慣れてる家族の
傍で いつもゴロン・・・
硬い食べ物・・・ ドライフードもちょっとお湯でふやかして・・
犬用 おやつ・・・ ササミジャーキを ちょっと食べるけど 後は何をあげても 嫌いみたい・・・
お散歩・・・ ちょっと歩くと すぐに伏せの状態で動こうとしないので 頭をなでで
おりこうさんやから もうちょっと歩こうね~ 声を掛けると 又歩き出す・・・
知らない人・・・ 可愛いね~と近寄って 触られると 怖がってじっと身をすくめる・・・
遠慮がちに もうちょっとなでで~ と お鼻で訴える ルナ・・・
三女の下敷きになりながら 一緒に眠る ルナ・・・
ずっと後をついて来て 側にべったりいる ルナ・・・
他の犬みたいに テンション上がって 駆け回る事もないし
ぬいぐるみを ブンブン振り回すこともない・・・
でも 小さくて 可愛いルナ・・
どうか これからは 新しい家族に
命が消える日まで いっぱい いっぱい可愛がられて
愛されて 欲しい・・・
i hope.....
投稿 (Atom)