somehow... Luna loves crawling under the blanket or something... .
don't know why...
that's because of her habit as a mole hunter..
although I checked out where whe was, I didn't see her anywhere....
I called her name loudly... and then, she put out of her face above the blanket...
Oh... there you are..!!!
she is small and no one notices where she is...
she is getting to used to live with us..
and so
metimes she shows her stomach like this...
何かの下に もぐって行くのが大好きなルナ・・・
何日か 温度が低く ちょっと肌寒かったりした時は
特に すっぽりはまりこんでる ・・・
ある時 ルナの姿がどこにも見えなくて
ルナ~ と 大声で 呼んでやっと顔を出した・・・