I love baking bread and our former dogs which stayed here
used to have my home made bread and they liked it...
liz didn't eat it
another dogs used to have dog's cookies as well..
liz doesn't seem to like dog's cookies either...
how come ???
I baked Basil bread the other day
and I tried to feed her this bread..
for some reasons, she sniffed it first and gulped it down...
oh... she loves basil bread !!!!!
she sometimes eats glasses in the edge of the pavement
when we go for a walk... she likes glasses...
after she has them, she throws up though...
any way, basil is a kind of glasses as you know...
and maybe the smell attracts her to eat...
basil bread and Liz
when I had my sandwich with basil bread for lunch today,
she sat down just in front of me , stared at me and
waited for basil bread as if she knew I gave her for sure...
みんな 私が作る パンが 大好きで
よ~く 食べてくれた・・・
( 本当は 人間の食べ物は あげちゃ~いけないんだよね・・・)
でも Lizは 全然食べようとしない・・・
匂いは かぐけど これ何?って 感じで
私としては ちょっと寂しい・・・
久しぶりに バジルパンを焼いた・・・
私がサンドイッチにして 食べてたら
そばにやって来て 欲しそうにじーと見てる・・
少~し ちぎってあげてみた・・
くんくん いつものように 匂ってる・・・
パクンと 口の中へ ・・・
きっと だすんだろうな ~ って 思ったけど
一向に 出す気配なし・・
もぐもぐ 食べてる・・・!!!
Liz お母さんの バジルパン食べてる・・・!!
私は大好きで 作って食べるけど
娘たちは あまり好きくないらしい バジルパン・・
ちょっと見て~ Liz バジルパン 食べてるで~
良かったやん 食べてくれて・・・
Liz は お散歩中に 道端に 生えてる 草を食べる事が あるぐらい
草が 好きだから