
sweet lily...

Lily is soooooo sweet...

she really loves people...

she gets very very happy when my girls or I come back home...

she even gets high if she doesn't see me with 5 min....

she follows me everywhere I go... to the toilet, bathroom, kitchen, balcony besides

my room...

I told her not to enter my room because she once peed on my carpet

and after that , I don't allow her to come in...

so, lily always waits for me just in front of the door..

today, I was doing PC and said to her

Lily, come on ! you can come over if you behave yourself.. !

however she didn't .... she just gazed at me with a sad face...

and wept...

she keeps my words ...

how awesome she is !!!!!
we really love her and
I'm grateful to my heavenly father that we've got lily here...
and I do believe she desrves to be happy with her new family
by the time you leave this world
because she is a wonderful dog.... !!!!!

りりーは 本当に人が大好きで
寂しがりやな 甘えたさん・・・
仕事から帰ると すっごい勢いで出迎えてくれて
ジャンプジャンプ の 歓迎を受ける・・・
5分ほど ごみを捨てに家を離れた時も
今日 部屋の パソコンで検索をしている時
りりーが 顔を見せたので
”りりー おいで!” と 声を掛けた・・
でも キューン キューン と 悲しげに鳴いて
じっっっっと 私を見て 入って来ない・・・
偉い! Lily!!!!
実は 以前に一度 私の部屋のカーペットに
それ以来 入らないように教えた・・・
そのルールを ちゃんと守ってるんだね・・・
本当に すごいよ Lily・・・!!!
あんたは 私たちの自慢の 犬だよ・・・
 この世での 命が終わる時まで