Cuculu saw a couple today...
they hoped to see him...
a guy wanted to have a dog..
however, he didn't feel like buying one at the pet shops..
then, he found they could be a foster family for poor dogs...
a lady kept a dog before but after her dog died ,
she didn't want to have a dog again.
however, she also knew they could help poor dogs
to be a foster family...
so, this time, they decided to help a dog...
they seemed to be a nice couple...
they liked cuculu and so did cuculu...
I wish they would love him until he passes away...
I thank my heavenly father that cuculu got a good chance to meet
a wonderful couple today...
今日くくるは 近くの公園で くくるに逢ってみたい・・
と いうご夫婦と お見合い・・・
犬は 飼いたかったけど
ペットショップで 買う気には ならなかった・・
里親になる・・ と言う事を知り
早速 今回くくるとの お見合いを 希望されたようだ・・・
奥様は 以前 犬を飼っていたけど
又 死ぬと悲しいから・・ と
可愛そうな 犬を助けるのなら
早速 引き取りたいとのこと・・・
素晴らしいお二人に くくるが出会えた事を
本当に 感謝しています・・・
a good chance..
投稿者 miyumiyu 時刻: 22:11
ラベル: diary . 日記