He is sooooooo cute !!!!!
today, when I went to work, I put him into his cage...
my second daughter said to me..
at first, he barked little...
but not so long...
he loves being on our balcony...
I don't know what he looks at...
however, he seems to enjoy seeing the view he can see...
last night, I put him into his cage
he did his business in his cage at midnight..
when my oldest daughter came back home from her job,
she found it and cleaned his cage...
I walked with him this morning, he didn't do his business at all...
in the afternoon, he peed inside of his cage...
I don't know why...
but he believes he has to do his business there...

お外をベランダから見るのが 大好きな くくる・・・
何を考えて 何を見てるのか・・・ 謎・・・
夜中に 長女が帰ってきたら
ゲージの中で おしっこと ウンチを 済ませてたみたそう・・・
アルバイトから 帰って来た早々 くくるのゲージを綺麗にしてくれたんだ・・・
ありがとう!! って くくるが言ってるよ・・・
今朝 お散歩では な~んにもせずに帰ってきたくくるは
午後 自分のゲージに入って おしっこした・・・
ゲージ イコール トイレって 思ってるのかしら・・・