we have kept another puppy since last Sunday...
a lady told me she rescued some dogs and she is the one of them...
the public servants at the health center was going to put down some dogs...
but an association which I join asked them to give them to the association...
this puppy is only 3 months old and it is very hard to take care of her...
on the first day, she pooed and peed anywhere at my place...
today, she does her business on the toilet sheet though...
not perfect...
she doesn't like being in the cage as well...
when we put her into the cage, she barks until we let her out...
so, my girl slept with her last night...
really troublesome.... !!!!!

however, nono , the black puppy , and ai are very cute... !!!!!
I really realized how smart and great Nono is... !!!!!