
thanks !!

my happiness is that the dogs would stay happy until their lives end... 
I really thank my heavenly father for having me chances to take care of the  dogs which were saved their lives from being putting down..
and thank him for all dogs were adopted into the new wonderful families... 

I just wish the dogs wich stayed with us would be loved and be happy in the rest of their lives with their families...

my happiness is that the dogs would stay happy until their lives end...



Liz got home after the  operation in safe and sound...
as  she hasn't been feeling well since the operation,
she has laid down and keep sleeping... 
she hasn't eaten drunk anything since she got home... 
she doesn't even have some cheese and chicken which she loves... 
how can I do for her  ????

all I can do is to sit beside her and  pad her... 
hopefully, tomorrow she would be O.K and go for a walk again ..

Lizが 手術から 戻ってきたけど
よほどしんどいのか ずっと横になったまま・・・
何も 食べず 飲まず
大好きな チーズもチキンも 食べようとしない・・・

ちょっと おばさんの Lizには 術後は思った以上に

側に座って なでなで してあげることだけ・・・
しんどそうなLizを 見ているのが
とっても 辛い・・・

明日は 今日より よくなっていますように・・・



as Liz's gonna take a sterilization operation tomorrow,
Mrs Y came over to pick her up for the operation... 

it is awful for female to get that operation because
Dr cuts and stitches stomach very long... 
about male, no prob !
but for female...  it must hurt...  Ouch!!!!
Lily took the sterilization operation during staying with us..
and she seemed to be in pain for a couple of days... 
hope Liz would be O.K... 
and come back here in safe and sound... 

Lizは 明日 不妊手術を受ける・・
女の子は お腹を たっくさん切るので
男の子に比べて とっても痛そう・・・・
前 うちにいた Lily も 小さい身体に
見てる方が 痛くなる・・・

無事に手術が 済みますように・・・


oh.... .. how darlin....

I put Halloween costume on Liz  ... 
I expected it would be good on her..
she looked soooo good as  I exactly expected ...
she might complain about this to me... 

I really thank my heavenly father for sending us Liz...
she sometimes needs to be controlled when she sees another dogs... 
but ... 
 she saves my life with her warm heart...

she seems to understand my thoughts  as if she was really able to know  what I felt... 
I'm sure , she will find a wonderful family to be with in the rest of her life  because
she  is derseved it......  we all love ya !!!!!

Lizに ハロウィーンのコスチュームを着せてみた・・
絶対似合うと思った とおり

なんで こんな物着せてるの~って

人間に 心を開くのには 時間が 掛かるけど
愛情を持って 接してくれれば 
Lizも信用して 甘えて来てくれる・・・
本当に 可愛くて お利巧な Liz・・・
絶対に 素敵な家族が 迎えに来てくれて
最後の時まで 幸せに してくれるように・・・

今日は 車から 降りてきた女の人が
 ” すみません~” って 声を掛けてこられたので
道でも 聞かれるのかと思ったら
” わんちゃんの 写真とってもいいですか~”
って 携帯を 構えた・・・

 どうぞどうぞ  お好きなだけ・・・

私たちと 過ごしてくれて
素敵な時間を ありがとう・・・ Liz・・・


Liz is such a good girl..
she can wait for me for a couple of hours... 
she doesn't make messy like formers dogs... 
she was very quiet... 
she does her business on the sheet... 
 every time she does there, I give her treats... 
then she does neatly again and again... 
she behaves herself so much...

she eats a lot now...
we all worry about metabo for er...

because her stomach is getting big...
we found she liked human foods ... 

she always lays down on the cloth... 
like.. blanket...  bath towel...  cushion..
if there are no those things,
she lays down on the some one's clothes... 
for some reasons, she loves cloth.. 
my third daughter used to have a towel when she went to sleep...
Liz is just like the same.... 

誰もいなくても いたずらもせず
ずっと帰りを待っててくれる Liz
玄関まで 来ていて 出迎えてくれて
大きな体で ジャンプしながら
時々 身体にぶつかって
痛い! って くらい

後ろから Lizに 頭付きをされて・・
本人には そんな気は毛頭無く
ただ 私の後ろを勢い良くついてきていたところに
私が 急に立ち止まったから
ふくらはぎが暫く 痛くて青くて
打ち身のようだった・・・ )

なでで~ 攻撃・・・
足で トントン トントン 催促される・・・

じっと人の目をみる Liz・・・
じっと 人の目を見てくる・・・
時々 何かを訴えてるように思う・・・
きっとうるさい おばさんだろうね・・・

あんた なんで なでなでしてくれないの?
お腹が空いてるから なんか頂戴・・・ 
とか ・・・ 

昨日 ご飯を食べて 座ってたLizに
お腹 いっぱいになった?
って 聞いたら
ぶるぶるっと 首を横に 振った・・・
ばっちりの タイミングだったんで
皆で 大笑い・・・
でも 時々 ちゃんとわかってるみたいに
Lizの 頭の中に 入ってみたい・・・

誰かの 服の上で ごろんってしてる・・・

三女も 小さいときは タオルが好きで
いつも 手に持って かみかみして 寝てたなあ~

良く 犬たちは頭を両手で
大きい犬が するから 


friendly Liz's fans...

since I started walking with Liz, I got to know some people as
I mentioned before...
and they are Liz's fans now... 
as soon as they notice Liz, they smile at her , pad her and talk to her... 
all of them worry about Liz if she would find a foster family or not...

and also, quite a few friendly people look at Liz and
get close to her...
then, they ask me if they could pad Liz... 
why no!!  go ahead... 
and I always tell them Liz has been looking for  her foster
family because she was taken out of the animal control center
just before she would be put down... 
I explain how she was treated for 6 years... 
and thousands of dogs put down without their wills... 

Liz is very shy in front of others...... 
she tries to attack small dogs  as you know... 
she really thinks they are quarries or...
she just wants to play with them... 
I have no clue....  you know...  

she is lucky to be saved her life and meet friendly people here... 

Lizと お散歩に行くようになって
何人かの人々が Lizの ファンになったようで
頭をなでで 彼女に 話しかけてくれる・・・

そして スタンダードプードルが 珍しいからか
よく 話しかけて来られる・・・

今朝も Lizと歩いていたら
まあ 可愛い!
触っても 大丈夫?
ずっと Lizを なでなで してくれた・・・
子犬たちには 威嚇的なLizも
急に シャイになる・・

私は そういう人達に
Lizが 処分所から 助け出されて
里親を 募集している ということや
彼女の 今までの経緯を 説明する・・・

少しでも 多くの人に


like a human...

my youngest daughter put her cloth on Liz...
she looks as if she was a human being...
she was soooooo cute !!!!!

and she gave me a high five... !!

三女が 自分のパーカーを Lizに着せてみたら
めっちゃ よくお似合いで

されるがままの Liz・・・・


Liz has cute feet...
she asks me for padding her and hug her with these feet... 

Lizの この足が 私は大好き!!
娘たちは 何も 思わないらしいけど
本当に 可愛い・・・
画像では それほど写りも
実物は めちゃくちゃ キュート・・・!!

もっとなでなで して~って
私を たたいてくる・・・

she has been here for over a month since she first got here...
now she relaxes and believe in us so much... 
she eats a lot..  goes for a walk with me twice a day... 
recently, she does her business out side ... 
she does on the toilet sheet.. 
she finally learned to do the business outside... 

the proverb  says... 
make assurance double sure... 

she is just like that , you know... 

she always looks forward to going outside as well...   
she can't wait ..!!!!!

she is really curious about other dogs...
she doesn't do anything and just stares at them
if they don't bark at Liz... 
or they don't get close to her... 
but once they get close to her or
bark at her,
she barks back at them ... 

however, she doesn't bark at the dogs who she has already got to know
she needs to learn more to live with people... 
what a shame...    ... 
not dog world...
but human world... 

first, my youngest daughter didn't like Liz because
she seemed sooo big for her...
she is the big fun of Liz now though... 

Liz knows it and she lays down by her
and shows her Liz's stomach....

but not to me though..

ここに来て 1ヶ月を過ぎた・・・
私たちも すっかり慣れて
しっかりくつろぐ Liz・・・
よく食べて ちょっと 肉がついてきて
メタボに 気をつけなくては・・・
お散歩中に やっと ウンチやおしっこが出来るようになり
そとで しないときは
シートの上で 出来るようにもなりました・・・
そとでするときも 自分の 匂いのする道でだけ・・

今まで 外の世界を知らなかったLiz には
まだまだ 知らない事 が

そして 6年間
愛情を 掛けてもらえなかったLiz は
他犬と 仲良くする事が

向こうが 離れていて
Lizも じっと興味深々に
 Lizに 寄ってきたり
一旦 Lizに 吠えてくると 
と 思うのか
出ない声で 精一杯吠える・・・

だけど いつも お散歩で 出会う犬たちには
吠えに行ったりは しなくなった

人間たちと 過ごすこの世界では

もうすこし お勉強が 必要・・・

初めて Liz が 我が家に来たとき
一番Lizを 嫌っていた 次女は
今では Liz の 大ファン!!

Lizも それがわかるのか


liz... with girls...

Liz wants something from me ..
after walking..
even after dinner...

she stared at me , followed after me and appealed something  to me...
but I have no idea what  she wants from me... 

my girls plays with her .. 
she came to me.. and felt like telling me something.. 

I wish I could talk with dogs so that I can understand her
very much... 
what a shame... !!!!! 

私が 何処に行っても着いて来る・・・

何か 訴えてるLiz・・・

一体何が 言いたいのか さっぱりわからない・・・
娘たちが それぞれ帰って来て
Lizと 遊んだりしたけど
やっぱり 私のところに来る・・



smiling ....

Liz waits for me for a couple of hours by herself..
when I open the flont door, she jumps up to me ...
she smils at me and seems to be sooo happy to see me again...
not only me .. but also my girls...
when they come back home, she seems soooo happy..

one day,
when I was preparing for my another job after my caring job,
she got close to me and asked me to pad and hug her...
she didn't walk away for a while and she also gave me a big hug..
what a cute dog !!!!!

仕事で 3,4時間留守にするけど
Liz は ちゃんと待っててくれる・・・
ドアを開けたとたん 玄関のところで 
待ち構えていて 嬉しそうに ジャンプして

ある日 いつものように 喜んで出迎えてくれたあと
違う仕事の 準備の為に PCに向かっていたら
ハグして~ と やってきた・・・

PC をしながら
片手で なでなでしてたら
Lizの方から 立ち上がって
本当に お利巧で 可愛い・・・

今まで 決して 良いとは 言えない場所で
頑張って 生きてきて

本当に Lizが 幸せに 過ごせますように・・・

Lizのように どんな事にでも 
めげずに生きて行く ・・・

たくさんの事を いろんな子達を通して
学ぶ 機会を 与えてもらえる事に


basil bread and Liz

I love baking bread and our former dogs which stayed here
used to have my home made bread and they liked it...

liz didn't eat it

another dogs used to have dog's cookies as well..
liz doesn't seem to like dog's cookies either...

how come ???

I baked Basil bread the other day
and I tried to feed her this bread..
for some reasons, she sniffed it first and gulped it down...
oh... she loves basil bread !!!!!

she sometimes eats glasses in the edge of the pavement
when we go for a walk... she likes glasses...
after she has them, she throws up though...

any way, basil is a kind of glasses as you know...
and maybe the smell attracts her to eat...

when I had my sandwich with basil bread for lunch today,
she sat down just in front of me , stared at me and
waited for basil bread as if she knew I gave her for sure...
みんな 私が作る パンが 大好きで
よ~く 食べてくれた・・・
( 本当は 人間の食べ物は あげちゃ~いけないんだよね・・・)
でも Lizは 全然食べようとしない・・・
匂いは かぐけど これ何?って 感じで
私としては ちょっと寂しい・・・
久しぶりに バジルパンを焼いた・・・
私がサンドイッチにして 食べてたら
そばにやって来て 欲しそうにじーと見てる・・
少~し ちぎってあげてみた・・
くんくん いつものように 匂ってる・・・
パクンと 口の中へ ・・・
きっと だすんだろうな ~ って 思ったけど
一向に 出す気配なし・・
もぐもぐ 食べてる・・・!!!
Liz お母さんの バジルパン食べてる・・・!!
私は大好きで 作って食べるけど
娘たちは あまり好きくないらしい バジルパン・・
ちょっと見て~ Liz バジルパン 食べてるで~
良かったやん 食べてくれて・・・ 
Liz は お散歩中に 道端に 生えてる 草を食べる事が あるぐらい
草が 好きだから


some reasons...

liz has been with us for almost a month...

she got used to stay with us and to be in the house...

she loves walking outside..

when I show her her lead and say..

hey, liz, let's go for a walk !

she gets high and jumps over me...

I walk with her twice a day...

early in the morning and in the evening or at night..

as she tends to get close to small dogs, sometimes I have to hold her lead so tight...

when she got here, she was skinny...

but now.. she got some weight and she is a powerful dog...
she is very curious about another dogs as I mention...

however, she ignores what she is not curious ..

some people whom I've got to know during walking pad her and talk to her
and it is O.K with her... but..
one day, one lady got close to her and said...

hey, dog...

then liz ignored her and she didn't even look at her...
she talked to liz again...

you are cute...

but... liz... just ignored her and

watched another direction....

it was soooo fun to watch liz...

liz is not so sociable... she is not open minded at all...

however, if you take care of her and understand her with a lot of love,

she becomes a wonderful dog ...

now, she does her business on the sheet in the cage or on the balcony...

she waits for me coming home from work...
when I open the door, she flies to me..
she asks us to pad her ....
she is very smart and a great dog..

家には 私と Lizだけで
ちょっと 退屈・・・ な Liz・・・
なので 次女が帰って来たら
飛んできて 一人テンションUP!!
Lizが ここに来て 1ヶ月ぐらい・・
初めは おどおど して
あんたたちは 一体だれ ??
って 感じたし
どうすれば いいのか解らずに おどおどしてた・・・
でも 今ではすっかり くつろいで 
家の 中での 生活も 慣れたのか
ベランダには あまり 出なくなった・・・
来た当初は 朝から 夕方まで ずっと ベランダで
ごろんって してたのに・・・
心から 慣れるには 時間が 掛かる・・
でも お互いの事を 知り合えば 本当に 
いい子 なんだよね・・・
お留守番も ちゃんとしててくれる・・
おしっこウンチも ゲージの中に敷いてるシートの上か
ベランダで してくれる・・・
勝手に 食べたりしないし・・・
(かつて 家にやってきた子達の中には
焼きたての 大きなライ麦パンを テーブルの上に置いてたら
お弁当のおかずを 盗って 食べてたりしたのもいたし・・・
でも Lizは 欲しそうに 見てるけど
盗ったりしない お利口さん・・・
なでなでして~と 寄ってくるLizは 
本当に 愛くるしい・・・
我が家に来て 初めて ハグ されるって事を 知ったLizは
彼女の方から 立ち上がって 
ぎゅっと ハグしてくれる・・
ちょー可愛いLiz ・・・
なんで 捨てる人が いるのか 
 6年間も 劣悪な環境の下で 
毎日を 過ごして来た Liz ・・・
彼女を 心から理解し 
彼女の一生が 終わるときまで
たっくさんの 愛を 与えてくれる 家族と
私は 願うばかり・・・


the last post..

I might not be able to post blogs any more..
no one knows but God..

Liz gets used to us and she needs a lot of love

to be happy entire her live..

I hope someone gives her a lot of love

to understand her

to care of her

to make her days...



Liz loves milk ... but I don't...

I just use it for my coffee..

as I'm getting older... I try to drink at least one glass of milk every day though...

I can eat any cheese... white source.. yogurt..

they don't bother me at all...

however, I hate drinking only milk..

thus, I used to drink a bottle of milk sooo fast before any food

in my school lunch time...

it was awful...

the lukewarm milk is disgusting... !!!!!



when she didn't seem to be genki, I fed her some milk...

as she loves cheese , I thought she drank milk ..

and she drank it all at once...

so I imagined..

her former owner gave her some milk regularly......

since then,

I feed her some milk with snacks for snack time...

cheese as well...

ashiby used to have anything ... such as... my home-made bread, ham, cheese, snacks, fruits,

chicken.. sweets.. ...


we tried not to give him those food though...

but ... about liz... she doesn't eat any

specific food like Ashiby did...

the only thing in common is cheese..

all dogs love cheese.. so I do...

every dog which stayed with us had my home-made bread...

so does liz...

but... she doesn't like hard one... but soft and moisture bread....

how picky.. !!!!


ten books have ten covers ... right ??

when I come home from work or after I am out of home for a long time,

she gets close to me with wagging her tail ...

she gives me a big hug just like we do to Liz...

she is really cute.. !!!!!

I just wish a wonderful family takes care good care of her entire her life

because she had went through a hard time for 6 years.....

she didn't know about being loved by people...

she survived her life somehow...

and she was saved by Mrs K...

it meant to her...

she has to feel happy and comfortable from now on....

pee on the sheet.....

she did her business on the sheet yesterday and this morning ..!!!!!

Yeah !!

and this is not by chance...


sorry, Liz...

to tell the truth... I thought it was coincidence...

but it is not...

because she did it again after going for a walk with me...


I considered... it would be much easier if she peed outside though...

anyway, now she's learned where to pee...

how great !!!!

I am proud of her so much...

when she peed on the sheet, I gave her some treats yesterday...

she remembered it...

after she did this morning, she was waiting for me giving her some treats...

tonight as well...

she is such a smart dog...

also, she pooed on the balcony so that she didn't make mess in the house...!!!!!

what a awesome dog !!!!!

Hope this was not a coincidence...


外で 飼われていたせいか
暑くても ベランダで 朝から 夕方まで 過ごすLiz・・・

I was supposed to be happy this afternoon...
suddenly something came up and I was in a awful situation ...
I panicked and didn't know what to do...
a nice guy helped me out from the terrible accident ....
he saved my life....

I really thanked him for helping me from the bottom of my heart...
maybe no one knows how much I appreciate him...
also, I thanked my heavenly father for sending him for me...

I thought about the dumped dogs ...
someone dumped them without hesitation...
Mrs K saves them and wonderful families help dumped dogs which were saved their lives...

I was as same as they were today...

長女に お風呂に入れてもらうLiz
お風呂は お好きなようで 

Liz loves taking a shower...
she seemes to feel soooo good..

she is very honest and faithful to my family ...
and I am honest to her as well...
if I was not, it is not fare isn't it ??

I tell her everything ... bad and good.. no lie...
( I hate lie.. that means.. I hate people who tell me a lie ... )
she understands what I tell her very much...
sometimes she has to put up with things she wants ...
but she accepts the requires ...

she is such a good dog...
wish... she will meet a marvelous family which love and take good care of her the rest of her life...



アシビーの後に やってきた スタンプー
Liz と 名づけた・・・
とっても セレブティーで フランス人っぽいLiz
今までに ないタイプ・・・
でも 人とのふれあいが 全く無かったみたいで
全てのことが 初めて・・・

なでで もらう事も



そんな状況下に いたLiz・・・
涙が 出てくる・・・
里親さんが 決まるまで

On the day ashiby had gone, our new dog came to stay with us...

we named her Liz... she looks like a french... doesn't she ?

she was afraid of people touching her soon after she was saved from

the animal control center...

when she got here...

she was afraid of big sound, padding by us, closing to her...

but now, she is sooooo friendly ..

she has never felt comfortable with people...

she has never been treated as a living thing...

she had been alone for 6 years...

she has gone through a lot of hard time...

she had been outside even if it was raining...

she had been outside even if it was boiling...

she had been outside even if it was freezing...

she has never felt love...

娘と High Five をする Liz・・・

when I first pad her, she didn't know what I was doing...

but now she get close to me herself and she looks she feels comfortable...

I hope she would find a wonderful family to be with by the time she finishes her life

just as another dogs...

I thank my heavenly father for saving her life...

and I appreciate him for let us meeting her ...


nice family...

ashiby met the nice family today...
they love him very much and especially a boy...
ashiby loves them too..

the boy would mainly take care of Ahiby and ..
I'd just like him to remember the Ten Commandments

あしび~は 今日とっても素敵な家族に出会いました
そして あしび~を めちゃくちゃ 気に入ってくれました

この 素敵な 家族とあしび~が 最後の時まで 幸せに 過ごせる事を 

とっても 可愛いあしび~ 
元の 飼い主に 直接処分所へ 連れて行かれ・・・
でも 助けられ 
そして 縁あって 素晴らしいご家族と 会うことが 出来ました
本当に 感謝します 

いつまでも この 十戒を 忘れないで欲しい・・・

the ten commandments

My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me.

Remember that before you get alone with me.

Give me time to understand what you want of me.

Place your trust in me- it's crucial to my Well-being.

Don't be angry at me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.

Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it's speaking to me.

Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget it.

Remember before you hit me that l have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand but that I choose not to bite you.

Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food or I've been out in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak.

Take care of me when I get old ; you, too, will grow old.

Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, "I can't bear to watch it ." or " Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember I love you.













when I was making the mixture,
ashiby was curious what I was doing and he was trying to get some......

after it was done, he tried to have some...

ある日 パウンドケーキの材料を混ぜてたら

何をしてるのか 気になって 流しの前に やってきた・・・

そして 焼きあがった パウンドケーキを

なんとしても 食べようと 必死の あしび~


when he was very quiet, I lpeeked at what he was doing...

he was busy to make a mess...

no way...

who's gonna

clean it ?????



と いつも邪険に扱う 次女・・・

だけど 一番 側にいる回数が多い・・・


how cute...

my girl tied up the bang of ashiby...

he looks soooo cute... !!!!!

he always does his business in the house..

but he first pooed outside when we were walking...

good job !!!!!

娘達に 前髪を くくられらり
耳あてを のせられたり

おもちゃにされている あしび~

でも 嫌がらず されるがまま・・・

家でしか おしっこ ウンチは しない あしび~

今朝 初めて お散歩中に ウンチをして 

お利こうさん でした・・・

crazy about ...

Ashiby used to be a quiet dog just after he got here....

however, he turned out to be an active boy ...

although he didn't care about a ball, now, he plays with it just like Zero...

he grabs a zabuton and is crazy about holding it up and down...

he suddenly gets in the high tension, he moves around in the living room jsut like Lily...

really think... the dog , sheltie, needs to run and run in the filed freely , otherwise, he gets a lot of stress...

even if he is getting a tomboy day after day , he is such a cute boy... !!

前に家にしばらくいた 同じシェルティーの ゼロは

ボールで よ~く遊んだ・・・

でも あしびーは 全く見向きもしない・・と 思ってたら

ある夜 めちゃくちゃ遊び始めた・・・

しかも 座布団にも 顔を 突っ込んだり


毛を 振り乱して 遊び始めた・・・


とっても 静かな犬だった あしび~

本性を 隠して

じっと 様子を 伺っていたのかも・・・

 今では すっかり くつろいで

やんちゃな 性格も 見せ始め・・・

みんなに 怒られてばかり・・・

それでも めげない あしび~

どんなに 悪がきになっても

じっと 私たちを 見つめる あしび~は


お散歩中は 私のすぐ側を こっちをチラ見しながら


他の犬に 吠える事も ない・・・

家でも 掃除機 以外は

無駄吠えすることは ほとんどない・・・

本当に お利巧な あしび~


sniff sniff sniff....

Ashiby is always curios about what we eat...

well ... not only ashiby.. but all dogs...

when my girls and I sit down at the table... or

stand in front of the kitchen sink,

he jumps over and stares at what we have...

why not... he tries to get them as well...

zero , which stayed with us before has grabbed a big hole hand-made bread and Obentou on the

kitchen table by his mouth .....

and ashiby was about to do that when my hand-made bread had just been baked..

he brings various things , a slipper, a wastebasket, a towel, a belt.. etc... , to the living room from many places...

such as... the balcony, the entrance hall, the bathroom... so on.. just like Lily used to do

when she was here...

いつも娘たちや 私が 食べ物を持っていたり


必ず走ってやって来る アシビー

何を食べてるのか 気になって

僕にも頂戴・・・ と せがむ・・・

あしびーは 前の飼い主から


ドッグフードは あまり好きくない様子・・・



( 来た当初から 人懐っこくて

誰にでも 近寄って行くけど・・・)

やんちゃな事も 多くなって来た・・・




そっと 覗いてみると

何処からか 物をくわえて来て

見てない時に かみかみしてる・・・





その変わりように ふふっと 




as I haven't kept any dogs since lily has gone,

I start caring a dog again....

Mrs K brought us today is a sheltie which my youngest daughter loves...

we named him "Ashby"

Ashby means "Asobu" in Okinawan language...

he is very cute...

I walk with him outside and he is just perfect...

he can eye-contact with me...

he stays beside me..

he never bark at other dogs even if they bark at him...

however, he's never done his business outside.. any poo or pee...

he always does his business in the house

although he misses peeing on the toilet sheet a couple of times a day,

most of the time, he does on the sheet...

he can stay in the cage when I go to work and also at night...

he doesn't bark so much besides vacuuming...

all dogs hate vacuuming machine...

I'll tell you what...

he loves watching TV...

last night, when I was watching valukure ,

he was attracted at this DVD..
I don't know what caught his mind though...

anyway, he is such a nice dog...

I can't believe his former owner dumped him and

asked to put him down.....

too bummer....

りりーが 我が家を巣立ってから
でも 今日 三女の大好きな シェルティーが
三女は 大喜び・・・!!
名前は あしびー  
沖縄の言葉で あそぶ って 言う意味・・・
前に 預からせてもらった 同じシェルティーの ゼロほど
吠えないし (掃除機は 別・・・)
お散歩中も 他の犬が あしびーに 吠えても 無視・・・
お散歩は アイコンタクトを とりながら
私のすぐ横を 歩いてくれます
でも お散歩中は 全く おしっこも ウンチも しません・・・
日に 2回ほど 失敗するけど
シートの上で ちゃんとします・・
ウンチは・・・ まだお勉強中・・・
少し 甘え噛みの癖があるけど
これは もっと小さいうちに 飼い主が
しつけなかったから 今でもあると言う事で
決して あしびーの せいでは ないのです・・・
今 我が家の皆で あしびーの この甘え噛みの癖を
直してあげようと 奮闘中・・・
昨夜 DVDを 見ていたら
その音に 興味があるのか 
あしびー は 
スクリーンを 真剣に 見てました・・・
今まで 我が家で 預かった犬たちの中では
初めての テレビ好きの わんちゃんです・・・

こんなにいい子が なんで 飼育放棄されたのか・・・
早く 素敵な里親さんが 見つかりますように・・・
あしびー への お問い合わせは・・・  へ・・・


bye lily.... be happy !!!!!

at last...

lily has gone to the new family...

as she had been here for over a month,

we all miss her so much....

these days, she didn't like going for a walk because she thought

she would be taken somewhere...

she knew she would be leaving soooooon....

really smart dog..

she understands us soooo much...

I do hope.....

whatever she does,

the new family takes good care of her , makes her happy and

loves her every single of days of her life until

she will leave this world...

thank you for staying with us, Lily...

I appreciate my heavenly father for the chance to

have Lily here with us...

ついに りりーとお別れ・・・



ここ2,3日 大好きだった お散歩に 出るのが

とっても嫌で なかなか 外にでなかった

どこかへ 連れて行かれるんじゃないかって

彼女は 感じてたみたい・・・

本当に 賢い犬・・・

私たちの 話を ちゃんと理解している・・・

里親になってくださる方々は とても 良い方のようだった

だから きっと これから先 

りりーの命が 消えるまで

不当な 扱いをせずに

幸せを 分け与えてくれて

ちゃんと 愛してくれると 思う・・・

仕事から 帰って来たら
とっても嬉しそうに 飛び跳ねて

時々 ハイテンションになって

寂しいと ぬいぐるみを加えて
キューン キューンと 

側にやってきて 同じように

お留守番も 鳴かずに

いたずらも いっぱいしてくれて
怒られる前に 反省の姿勢を 見せてた・・・
そんなりりーを 見ると 怒れなかったりする・・・

人といるのが 大好き・・・

ありがとう りりー 
私たちと 過ごしてくれて・・・


good job lily....

when I was taking out some garbage, Lily was here alone..

actually, she wasn't alone though.... my oldest daughter was sleeping

in the couch...

I came back home and stepped inside of the front door...

the wonderful view caught my eyes...

oh boy...... Lily.... what did you do ?????

see.... what I saw...

she did a good job, didn't she ??

I took a photo as a good memory and

I told about this issue to my oldest daughter who woke up...

she said to me..

Lily must had fun herself.. !!!!!

but... for some reasons, I couldn't scold her .

she missed me so that she did it... right ??

any dogs trust owners if they love their dogs..

and take good care of their dogs.......

try to understand them not only scold... but also admire them...

this is the most important for the dogs...


I love mangoes and so does lily...

I don't usually feed lily our human being's food because our food tastes too much seasoned... spicy.. salty... sweet.. for dogs..

some people don't care about it though...

but Mrs K told me not to feed our food to dogs..

however, I ...once a while feed dogs my home-made bread and home-made cookies..

most of the dogs which stayed with us watched me eating something in the kitchen...

I always have my lunch or breakfast with standing in the kitchen...

I don't have time to sit and have food... only dinner time...

but.. it is not a big point if I sit or stand..

I really don't care...


when I was eating my lunch , Lily came over to see me cramming home-made basil sandwiches into my mouth...

then, I fed her little bread of mine...

she had it as usual...

then, I fed her Ishigaki mango which my friend gave me the other day...

it was fantastic !!!!! sooooo sweet... smells good ...

I thought lily would love it as I loved...

she licked it and had it just as I imagined..

when I let her smell passion fruit, she was not interested in it at all though....

if my youngest daughter knew this,

she would get mad at me ... because she is very strict with keeping dogs..

she told me...

not to feed any onion... chocolates... nuts... whatsoever...

good trainer though...

家では 犬に人間の食べ物を食べさせない・・・

世の中には 手作りして 食べさせてる人もいるし

人間の食べ物を 与えてる人もいる//

でも Kさん(私が預かりのボランティアをしているボス)は

人間の食べ物はあげないように・・・ と 言われるので

私も なるべくそうしてる  

人間の食べ物は 味が濃いし 塩っ辛かったり 甘かったり 

犬にとって 良くないんだって・・

私は 私のホームメードのパンのみ すこ~したまにあげたりする・

今日も ホームメードバジルパンで作ったサンドイッチを キッチンで


何食べてるの? って感じで よってきて 見つめるので

端っこを すこ~しあげた・・・

次に マンゴを食べてたら 側にやってきて

又 見つめてきた・・・

なので 種を 口元に持っていったら

しきりに 匂って 

ぺろぺろって なめた・・・


りりーも 好きなの?

私も 大~好き!!!!!


パッションフルーツは あまり興味なさげだったよね

パッションフルーツも めちゃくちゃ 美味しいのに・・・

これは 三女には 内緒・・・




sweet lily...

Lily is soooooo sweet...

she really loves people...

she gets very very happy when my girls or I come back home...

she even gets high if she doesn't see me with 5 min....

she follows me everywhere I go... to the toilet, bathroom, kitchen, balcony besides

my room...

I told her not to enter my room because she once peed on my carpet

and after that , I don't allow her to come in...

so, lily always waits for me just in front of the door..

today, I was doing PC and said to her

Lily, come on ! you can come over if you behave yourself.. !

however she didn't .... she just gazed at me with a sad face...

and wept...

she keeps my words ...

how awesome she is !!!!!
we really love her and
I'm grateful to my heavenly father that we've got lily here...
and I do believe she desrves to be happy with her new family
by the time you leave this world
because she is a wonderful dog.... !!!!!

りりーは 本当に人が大好きで
寂しがりやな 甘えたさん・・・
仕事から帰ると すっごい勢いで出迎えてくれて
ジャンプジャンプ の 歓迎を受ける・・・
5分ほど ごみを捨てに家を離れた時も
今日 部屋の パソコンで検索をしている時
りりーが 顔を見せたので
”りりー おいで!” と 声を掛けた・・
でも キューン キューン と 悲しげに鳴いて
じっっっっと 私を見て 入って来ない・・・
偉い! Lily!!!!
実は 以前に一度 私の部屋のカーペットに
それ以来 入らないように教えた・・・
そのルールを ちゃんと守ってるんだね・・・
本当に すごいよ Lily・・・!!!
あんたは 私たちの自慢の 犬だよ・・・
 この世での 命が終わる時まで


lily..... taking massage....

my oldest girl gave lily comfortable massage...

lily feels sooooooo good... she is on cloud nine...

I thank lily for let us enjoy being with...
and also thank my heavely father for a chance to get to know her...
she is such a super dog ..
we all love you !!!!!

長女から マッサージを受けてるりりー
めちゃくちゃ 気持ち良さそう~にしている・・・