
in the morning, she saw some my co-workers in the middle of the walking...
they patted her head... 

she walked with me neatly... 
she is not so friendly to people though..   ....
 but...  very cute and a good girl... 
it is really easy to have her home...  !!!!!
so, I really wish luna would be with the family who understands her well... 

by the way..
since she got home from Mrs M, she whimpers  when we are out ..
as I mentioned before..
and also, I don't know  why... 
she likes my youngest girl.. 
Luna crawls into her broken chest and takes a nap.. 
yesterday, I didn't find her anywhere... 
not on the  balcony, not in the  kitchen, not in the bathroom , not in my girls rooms.. not on the beds.. 
she just disappeared...!!
so I crumpled  some snakes plastic bag which she always runs over me... 
she suddenly appeared from somewhere when I was in the kitchen..

Oh...  Luna..   where have you been ??

then, I got back to the work  what I needed to do...
a couple min later, I couldn't find her again..
she varnished...!!!
no where....    
so, I crumpled snacks plastic bags again.....  and I watched carefully where she would come out... 
what a surprised.. !!!!!
she got out of my girl's broken chest... 
it was like a cave...    and Luna loves being inside of it.. 
it just fits for Luna though...  
I know why  Luna likes my youngest girl .. that's because she uses her possessions.... 

when I woke up  this morning, I saw Luna and my girl were sleeping together on my girls  bed... 
it has never happened before.
our former dogs usually loved sleeping with her on the bed....
but not Luna.. 

now..  Luna loves sleeping with her on her bed... 

the surgery made Luna a different dog....


after a walk.....

I took Luna for a walk after my job... 
as I gave her a small piece of  antibiotic and a pain killer this morning,
she seems to be O.K today... 
she follows me so much...    and still whimper... 

she doesn't have an appetite like before though... 
however...   she is O.K now... 

so, I decided to take her out .. 
she walked with me the  regular distance although she looked hot...!!!!
she did poo and pee outside...  

after the walk... 
she just laid her body down like a mop... 
my girls and I always say
she is like a mop...!!!!! 
the floor is cool enough to get her temperature down... 

and.. plus... 
it must be hard for her to walk around on a hot day...

朝痛み止めと 抗生物質を飲んで 
ちょっと ご飯を食べたルナ・・・

いつものように あっちこっちに 歩き出したので
お散歩に 行ってみることにしましょうか~

でも ちょっと元気だし

すると 前より 止まらずしっかり歩くルナ・・・
ちゃんと ウンチ おしっこ済ませ
えらい えらい!!
でも さすがに 暑いし
食べてなくて 体力が落ちてたのか
モップの様に ごろーん・・・ 

お疲れ様 !

pain killer...

Luna had suffered from pain since her surgery... 
Mrs K said to me dogs didn't feel pain so much...    
they are insensitive to pain... 

but...  all dogs  which  stayed with us before and had surgeries  always got down after the surgeries
and next day after operations...  because  the pain killers ran out of their bodies  6 or 7 hours later after they
took them... 
they didn't eat breakfast and they just laid down and slept... 
so, I gave them some pain killers and also some  antibiotics... 
30min later, they recovered from the pain and they got genki... 

so, I really needed some pain killers for Luna... 
she seemed soooo bad... 

I asked Mrs K if I could giver her human's pain killer  or not... 
she said to me..
there were no medicines only for dogs... 

so, I thought if Luna would have been sooo bad next day, I would giver her some
humans pain killers.. 

but.. fortunately, Mr M brought some pain killers and antibiotics here... 
oh..  thank you.. !!!!
it helped Luna so much... !!!!!
right after I got home from my teaching job, I gave her some of them.. 
then...  she got genki... she followed after me just as she used to do... 
I gave her some food and liver..... which she loved.. 

I really thanked my heavenly father that Luna got genki again..

she  started to whimper .....  I have no clue..!!!!  how come ????
Luna is just like Chloe which always whimpers when someone leaves house... 
I really don't know what made her so... 

as far as I see , Luna had never whimpered before.... 

as no pain  is much more important for Luna, it doesn't matter so much... 
tell you the truth... 
it is a kind of bothering me...
she stayed away from us for a while.. and maybe...  she is thinking we're gonna dump her again... 
but.. you know... we 'll never do such kind of things....  Luna.. 
I just want you to know that we all love you !!!!!

避妊手術の翌日 痛みの為か 全く食欲もなく 
一日 じっとしている ルナ・・・
ミルクをほんの少しと 肝 を一つ チーズを2口ほど・・・
犬用ごはんは 全く食べない・・・

今まで 家で過ごした 子達も やっぱり翌日は
でも 痛み止めの薬を飲むと
30分後には 食欲も 出てくるし

でも ルナには 飲ませてあげる 痛み止めが ない・・・
シーズを飼っている 知り合いは
人間の薬を飲ませても 犬は 大丈夫みたいやで~
でも 小さいから どれくらい飲ませていいのか わからへんな~
と 言う・・・

家にある 痛み止めといったら バファリン・・・
少~し 飲ませてみようかな~・・・
でも 万が一の事があっては ルナが 可哀想なので

とりあえず Kさんに 聞いてみた・・・
Kさん 曰く
犬用の 薬っていうのは ないのよ・・・
犬は 痛みに 鈍感やから 大丈夫やと思うけど・・・
もし 飲ませるなら ほんの 少量を 何かに混ぜて あげてみたら~?


明日も ぐったりしてるなら ちょっとあげてみようと思ったら
痛み止めを Mさんが 届けてくださった
さっそく ルナに 飲んでもらったら
30分ぐらいして 効いてきたのか
いつものように 私の後ろを ついてくる・・・
カウチにも ジャンプして 乗るし・・
めっちゃ心配しててんで~ ルナ・・

だけど 困った事に
ちょっとでも 人の姿が見えないと
クーンクーン と 前にいたクロエのように
どうしたの? ルナ・・・
居なくなっても ちゃんと帰ってくるからね
なんだか めちゃくちゃ甘えたになった ルナ・・・


.... down...

Luna is not genki today either...  

she doesn't eat food... only a little.. 
2 small pieces of cheese...  and a small pieces of liver...  which I hate... 
and some milk..  that's it..
when I call her name..  and my girls get home and get close to Luna,
she just wags her tail...
she doesn't get close to us herself... 

I tried to take her out after my job... 
she slowly walks down the street... 
but soon, she quit walking and didn't move at all... 

poor Luna... 
perhaps... she has got tired because she stayed at the place she first visited... 
in addition to she got nervous, she got surgery.... 
she might need some rest.... 

hopefully. she will be genki soon and we can walk together on the streets... 

今日もルナは 元気が無く
ミルク 少しと 肝 少し・・・それと チーズ2口 のみ・・・
お散歩に 連れてでても 50mほどは 歩いたけど
それから ふせの状態で 全く動こうと しない・・・

週末 初めて行くお家に 緊張して
すぐに 手術だったから

思ったより 年くってるのかも・・・



Luna was busy last weekend...
first of all....
as she needed to join the meeting new families event in mino ,
a lady picked her up the day before the event...

second of all...
next day of the event, she needed to take a surgery ...
so, she stayed at another lady's place who survived her life... 

now, she got here...   but...  she is not genki... 
I'm sure  she feels pain ...   
according to the lady, she didn't eat food at her place...
too bummer.... 
she seems to be skinny little bit.... 

although I fixed her food right after she got here, she was not interested in it..
she just drunk some milk...    that's it..
poor Luna.... 
she laid down on the couch...  and stayed calm.... 

I hope she will get better soon and a family who is interested in her will take her and
love  her forever....   

週末 箕面のカルフールで
2日程 留守をした ルナ・・・
ずっと ご飯も 食べなかったみたいで
ちょっと やせたみたい・・・

昨日すぐに ご飯をあげたけど
食べないから ミルクを あげたら
今朝も ミルクだけ・・・

ずっと隅の方で 一人 痛みと戦っているみたい・・
可愛そうな ルナ・・・
若いと 回復も早いけど
ルナは 6歳・・・ ちょっと中年の域に突入してるから・・・
手術が こたえるのかなぁ~

早く 痛みがとれますように・・・