
I love mangoes and so does lily...

I don't usually feed lily our human being's food because our food tastes too much seasoned... spicy.. salty... sweet.. for dogs..

some people don't care about it though...

but Mrs K told me not to feed our food to dogs..

however, I ...once a while feed dogs my home-made bread and home-made cookies..

most of the dogs which stayed with us watched me eating something in the kitchen...

I always have my lunch or breakfast with standing in the kitchen...

I don't have time to sit and have food... only dinner time...

but.. it is not a big point if I sit or stand..

I really don't care...


when I was eating my lunch , Lily came over to see me cramming home-made basil sandwiches into my mouth...

then, I fed her little bread of mine...

she had it as usual...

then, I fed her Ishigaki mango which my friend gave me the other day...

it was fantastic !!!!! sooooo sweet... smells good ...

I thought lily would love it as I loved...

she licked it and had it just as I imagined..

when I let her smell passion fruit, she was not interested in it at all though....

if my youngest daughter knew this,

she would get mad at me ... because she is very strict with keeping dogs..

she told me...

not to feed any onion... chocolates... nuts... whatsoever...

good trainer though...

家では 犬に人間の食べ物を食べさせない・・・

世の中には 手作りして 食べさせてる人もいるし

人間の食べ物を 与えてる人もいる//

でも Kさん(私が預かりのボランティアをしているボス)は

人間の食べ物はあげないように・・・ と 言われるので

私も なるべくそうしてる  

人間の食べ物は 味が濃いし 塩っ辛かったり 甘かったり 

犬にとって 良くないんだって・・

私は 私のホームメードのパンのみ すこ~したまにあげたりする・

今日も ホームメードバジルパンで作ったサンドイッチを キッチンで


何食べてるの? って感じで よってきて 見つめるので

端っこを すこ~しあげた・・・

次に マンゴを食べてたら 側にやってきて

又 見つめてきた・・・

なので 種を 口元に持っていったら

しきりに 匂って 

ぺろぺろって なめた・・・


りりーも 好きなの?

私も 大~好き!!!!!


パッションフルーツは あまり興味なさげだったよね

パッションフルーツも めちゃくちゃ 美味しいのに・・・

これは 三女には 内緒・・・

