
a lady...

today's victim was a stuffed animal.. 
andy found it and played with him... 

I haven't seen a lady who likes Andy and gave him a treat the other day..
when I walked with Andy this evening, I just wondered what she has been doing... ??

just passed by the park, we saw her at last... 
she also wondered why she didn't see us for over a couple of days... 
she took out a treat from her bag and gave it to Andy... 
I was surprised at her..
she said...
she kept this treat in her bag so that she gave it to Andy right away.. 
I was sooooo happy to hear that... you know...
she thinks of Andy a lot... 
maybe.. more than I do... 
today, I was kind of disappointed at what happened to Andy...
so, she made me feel better... 
I almost cried..  not because of sad... but happiness... 

I thank my heavenly father for the chance to see her today...
I don't even know her name... 
she cares of Andy and so does her son... 

I thank my people who cares of the dogs with their pure hearts... 
I really appreciate them... 
they don't imagine  how much I appreciate.. 

my favorite one didn't care of me at all...
I hurt so much..  I was not his girl friend..  was not even his friend.. 
I felt like as if I was nothing... 
I wondered why he saw me ... 

even if he didn't care of me, someone did when I needed... 
"when one door shuts, another open.. "

Andy dumped once... 
but he was rescued and now some people support him now... 

I sometimes run across my co-workers during walking with Andy,
they care of him so much.. 
the people whom  I got to know by walking with dogs always
worry about the dogs.. 

when I need, they give me their hands.. they supports me so much..

I don't care if they supposts me little or a lot..  
I do care the truth that they support me ... 
I just thank for their warm hearts which I've been receiving... 

andy also  knows it..    he feels it... 
he deserved it because he has been through the hard times before
with his former owner... 

Hope he would meet a wonderful family sooooon... 

今日の犠牲者は わんちゃん・・・
ぶんぶん 振り回され・・・
それでも 強かった・・・
どこも 破れてなかったよ・・・

Andy を とっても可愛がってくれる 
自称 おばちゃん と 
暫く 会ってない・・・

Andyも 心なしか さびしそう・・・
信号で 同僚と会い
Andy が やたらと 引っ張る・・・
どうしたのかと 思った その先に
おばちゃんが いる!!

あっ Andy おばちゃんや~

と 同僚との立ち話を 
そそくさと 打ち切り
おばちゃんの 元へ ダッシュ・・・
Andyは とっても 嬉しそう・・・
でも おばちゃんも めちゃくちゃ 嬉しそう!

おばちゃんも 私たちの 事 いつも 気にしてくれていたみたい・・

で 今日も Andyに おやつガム 用意してくれていて
自転車の 前かごから 無造作に 取り出して くれた・・

いつあんたらに あってもいいように ずっと持ち歩いててんで~

ほんまに いつも Andyの事
気に掛けてくれてて ありがとう!!!!

いい加減な気持ちでしか 私を見てくれず
一緒に夜をすごしても 友達としか 思ってももらえない人から
多々 非情な 扱いを受けて 悲しい気持ちになる・・・

そんな時 何故か どこからともなく
いろんな人々から やさしい 声が掛かる・・・
誰にも 何も 言いもしていないのに・・・

Andyも 前の 飼い主から
挙句のはて 捨てられて

今 おばちゃんの様な人に

毎日 毎日
感謝する事が たくさん・・・