
happy enough ... andy..

when we were walking, we saw the lady this

although it was raining outside , I took him out..
he did his business in the house however...  to inhale the fresh air is good for Andy and me as well... 
andy was sooo happy to see her and so was she...
she padded Andy a lot...!!!!!

we chatted a little ..  I was kind of rush because I needed to go to work early in the morning..

when we were walking this evening, we saw my co-worker and we chatted a little there.. 
then, Andy suddenly  pulled my and jumped over somewhere... 
I saw the direction where he was looking at....
there was the lady...!!!!!

Andy flew to her and jumped over her... 
she said...  she didn't have any treats for Andy ...    she was sorry.. 
but  she remembered that she bought some chikuwa.. 
and she gave Andy one of them... 
but...   he had to wait for this until he got back home.... 
right after we got home, he seemed as if he had remembered the chikuwa..
he sniffed my bag... 
so, I gave it to him.. 
well....  I didn't steal it from Andy though... 

she always gives Andy something... 
she just likes  Andy... and so Andy does...!!
nowadays, Andy thinks she is his boss...  not me... 

I feel  sorry for her she had to give something to Andy  every time we see know..
I said ...
I'm sorry for the treats for Andy... 
she replied me..
no way...!! 
I like him and I just wanna give hm treats...     don't feel sorry  about it... 

I really appreciate her what she always does for Andy... 
I thank my heavenly father for such kind of happy time for andy...!!!!!

今日も朝早く お散歩中に おばちゃんに 
おばちゃんは 家の前で Andy を 待っていてくれてた・・・
でも 私は 早く仕事にいかなくちゃいけないので
ちょっとだけ おばちゃんとおしゃべりして 帰宅・・・

夕方のお散歩中にも おばちゃんに会った・・
今日は おやつ 何にも もってへんわ~

あっ そうや いいもん あるわ~

おもむろに ちくわを 取り出した・・

家に帰ってから もらうんやで~

Andy 物ほしそうに みてたけど
じっと 我慢・・・

いつもいつも ありがとう・・