
friendly andy....

today's victim was a slipper in the bathroom..
he keeps on biting it... 
oh.. well...    
need new one.. 

he was really friendly to anyone.. any dogs... 
today, when I walked with Andy, I saw my co-worker and started chatting in front of my office... 

then, some people who walked with their dogs passed by us... 
they got close to Andy and talked to him and padded him..
unfortunately, their dogs were afraid of Andy because he was bigger than themself...  they just barked at Andy...  shame...   

but..  two other toy poodles came by and they got closer and closer  to Andy without any  hesitation.. 
I was watching what they were gonna do..  
they sniffed Andy and licked him... 
their owner also got close to Andy to pad him... 

my another co-worker just passed by us and stopped to pad Andy... 

and a client in the wheelchair came out from the nursing home and tried to come forward to Andy ...
his arms, hands and legs were stiffed and bended...    but he tried to pad Andy.. 
I didn't really understand what he said...  however... he said...  Andy was cute or something like that.. 

Andy was such a good and popular dog around here... 

my office stuff  such as bosses, day service stuff, co-workers, drivers...  they asked me why I always walked with different dogs..  they asked me how many dogs I kept.. 
every time they ask me why, I explain them  about dogs which I walk with... 

the more I talk to people , the more they think of keeping dogs..  or any animals.. 
If  they think about it even a little, I would be happy...  

フリーにしていると どこからか いろんなものを持ってきて
かみかみしくれる Andy・・・

今日の 犠牲者は 
まあ もともと 破れて 
捨てなきゃーと 思ってたけど
やっぱり 駄目! と 一喝!!

お散歩中 ちょうど 仕事場の 前を 通ったら
同僚が 出て来て 一緒におしゃべり
そしたら 道行く 小型犬を連れた何人かの
人たちが Andyに近づいて
よしよし と なでで くれた・・・

仕事場の 建物からも
車椅子で 利用者さんが 出てこられて
なでなで してくれた・・

Andyは 来る人くる人に
しっぽ ふりふり 嬉しそうに
ほんまに フレンドリーな Andy・・・
小型犬たちにも 愛想がよく・・
でも 向こうは 怖くて 吼えまくる・・

プードルを 2匹連れた人だけは
プードルたちは めちゃくちゃ 平気で 
へえ~ 平気なんや~

聞くと 前は 大型犬も 家にいたとか・・

やんちゃな Andy だけど
外では 全く鳴かないし 
とっても 良いこのAndy でした・・・