
lily ... what a sensitive girl... !!

Lily doesn't like big noise...

like... car.. motorbike... anything making noise...

when cars or motorbike pass by , she gets scared with those noise and

get panic... jumps around and around...

only in the hall at my place, she walks straight and neatly...

otherwise, she goes different and various directions....

so I need to walk with pulling her ...

I just don't know why she doesn't get used to walk outside...

she might be used to live outside with other dogs before

she was taken in the animal control center...

she was trimmed by a clipping thing pitifully there...

looks sooooo ugly...

when she got here, I asked Mrs.K to get her a cloth

so that I can take her walk ..

the cloth is toooooo big because lily is very skinny and no hair...

however, my girls love her in the red t-shirts... !!!!!

and I really thank them for accepting her here...

they treat her just like another dogs...

she looks terrible now..

but someday, her hair will grow and she will gain some pounds

then, she looks beautiful... !!