
treat.... wow....

after my job, Andy and I was walking as usual... 
then, I saw a lady who I talked about the other day... 
she recognized us ...  but that moment, she flew back to her house... 
I wandered why...  ?????
she usually waited for us getting close to her..

suddenly she came back to the road and was holding something.. 
Andy recognized her and he walked soooooo fast.... 
he almost gallop... 

she showed Andy a treat..  !!!!
she bought it for Andy... !!!!! 
how nice she  was !!!! 

Andy was soooo happy to get it as we expected  and bit for a while.. 
then, another dog passed by..
few min later, other dogs passed by..

every dog came by and said hello to her.. 
they love her so much... 
even sparrows.. 

I talked about Andy who was not a good boy all day today...
because while I was out for work, he kept barking... 
when I came back home before lunch, I heard Andy barking outside.. 
when I came back home after all my work, I heard Andy barking outside... 

he didn't bark in the cage for a week...
but today, somehow he barked a lot... 

I thought I  wouldn't be able to look after him any more here... 
so, I told the lady how Andy was today... 
half of my stress went away by talking with her... 
and the rest of my stress is still in my mind ...
the lady keeps saying this..
although Andy needs a little trained, he is a good boy.. !!!!! 

actually, he is a good boy, you know... 
he never get angry with me ...
even if I touch his tail...  even if I press him down on the floor ... 
even if I give him a punch... 

the thing he did well today was that he could wait for the food with sitting down
beside me when my girl and I was having dinner... 
he first held up at the table... 
but after I scold him , it didn't happen again... 
he learns little by little..  

need patient to live with Andy...
but if he learnt, he would be a great dog..  I guarantee... !!

I'll see how I can do for him..    let him not barking... 
how could it be possible ????? 
I have no clue though... 

I thank my heavenly father for  letting me see the lady today... 
Andy thanks her as well... 

may andy would meet a wonderful family sooooooon.....!!

外に 出て誰かとしゃべってた おばちゃん・・・
Andyに おやつの ガムを持ってきてくれた・・・

おばちゃん いわく
これ噛んでたら 長いこと おとなしくしてるやろ・・

と ちょっと前に 私が
お留守番してるとき 時々Andyが 鳴いてるって
言ったのを 覚えててくれて わざわざAndyの為に

本当に 嬉しかった・・・!!
Andyも 嬉しいって 思ってるはず・・・

生まれてから 何一つ 躾けられてないAndy・・
だから お散歩も トイレトレーニングも 
人間と一緒に住む為の ルールも

Andy が 悪いんじゃない・・・
元の 飼い主が 責められるべきこと・・・

テーブルの上の 私のコーヒーを飲んだり

学ぶことが たくさん・・・
Andyも ストレスが 溜まるし

そんな時 こうやって Andyのことを考えてくれる人が
しかも 赤の他人・・・

早く Andyに 素敵な家族が みつかって
命がつきるまで たっくさんたっくさん 愛されますように・・・