
such a cleaver dogie...

Luna does pee on the toilet sheet 100% now... 
what  a clever dogie she is..!!
about poo... 
she does poo when she walks on the street  or...  on the sheet....90% ... 

I have no clue how she lived at the bleeder... 
however...  she has learned many things since she got here... 

she follows after me all the time....   I mentioned it before.. 
to the kitchen....   to the bathroom...  to the balcony...  everywhere I go, she just comes after me.. 

I can tell she is now relaxing with us here because   she sometimes smiles even if  my daughters try to play with Luna.. 

she has wagged her tail when I get home since she realized I was the boss here...  
but now she wags her tail when my girls get home...  

she is really cute... !!!!!  

今や 100%トイレシートでおしっこをする ルナ・・・
ウンチも お外で するし こちらは 90%の確立で 
めちゃくちゃ 賢い!!

私が どこに行っても 後をついて来て 用事が 終わるまで

仕事から 帰って来たら 尻尾を振って めちゃくちゃ 喜んでくれる・・・
最近は 娘たちが 学校から 帰って来ても
傍には 寄っては行かないけど カウチに寝そべったままで
尻尾を とりあえず 振る・・・  面倒なだけなのか・・・分からないけど・・・

ここで 一緒に居ることに 慣れて リラックスしてるのか
笑い顔を見せるように なってきた・・・
今朝も 娘が触っていると
めちゃくちゃ ご機嫌 スマイル・・・

繁殖所で いったい何を 思ってたんだろう・・
誰にも 可愛がられず 
誰にも 抱っこされず
誰にも 気にしてもらえず・・・
ただ そこにいるだけ の 6年間・・・

幸せを 感じた事が ある??

ルナの命の 終わるときまで 
ずっと愛してくれる 家族と 出会えますように
本当に 願います・・・

hopefully, she would be able to meet a wonderful family to be with.. 
and they would love Luna by the day her life ends... 

she deserves it because she had gone through a lot of hard times for 6 years..!!!!!
I really feel sorry for her ...   no ones cared of her ...  no one held her with a lot of love..    she had just been in the cage alone..    not walking outside..  not  being patted by anyone... 
I wonder if she felt happy...  or comfortable without love...  ???
absolutely...  no...  .. 
I really wish she would be happy for the rest of her life..