
poo and pee....

just as soooon as my alarm rings in the mo rig,
Andy jumps up and ready for out from his cage... 
then, he pees.... 

right after he has his breakfast, he poos... 

or ... 
every time he gets out of his cage ...  in day time.. or night time..
he poos and pees... 

as I feed him more than regular amount of food
as a result, he poos a lot  a day... 
however..  sometimes, he poos on the papers.. 
he is getting smart...
oh. well..
he must be smart though..
just nobody didn't train him before...
what a shame... !!!!!

today, when we were walking, we saw my co-league.. 
he got close to us and we started chatting..
Andy jumped  forward him for padding ... 

after our chatting, we  started walking again..
then.. we saw a guy who lived in the same place ... 
he asked me if this dog was Tom..
tom is the one which is a  black Labrador retriever just like Andy
and he lives in the same place where we live..   ... 

so, I said no.. and we started chatting..
he used to keep a dog last Dec... 
but his dog ran over the car... 
I said to him about Andy looking for a foster family... 
he said..
if he hadn't have a new baby, he would have kept Andy... 
his grandchild is just 1 month old ... 
and it is hard to keep Andy with a new baby... 

Andy jumped up to him as well ...
and coaxed him to pad ...

私は スヌーズにして 後5分 後5分・・・
と ずるずるベッドにいるのに
Andyは 一発で 目覚め
早く 起きろ~と 私をせかす・・・

早くも 朝ごはんの 催促・・・

同じ事務所の ケアマネに 出会うと
Andyは 飛んでいって
なでなで して~ 攻撃・・・
彼も よしよしと 
飛びつかれても いやな顔せず 
なでなで してくれた・・・
そして 彼から 質問・・
なぜいつも 違う犬を 連れてるの?と・・・

同じマンションの 同じ棟に
黒ラブがいて 名前は Tom・・・

同じ棟の 男の人に出会ったときに
Andyの なでなでして~ 攻撃が 始まった・・・

あれ~ Tom?って 聞かれた事から
彼が 以前飼っていた犬の事
事故で 死んでしまった事

その間 Andyは なでなでして~ 攻撃も 終え
伏せをして じっと話を 聞いていた・・