
here is andy

chocola has gone to the new family..
and this afternoon, one black  Labrador retriever mix has came to our house... !!!!!
he is one year old and tomboy..!!!!!

he wanders around in our house and
he stands and peeks to find something eat... 

in the kitchen, he holds sink and looks inside of the sink... 
tries to have something..
or  garbage..    wastebasket ...  any where he smells something good... 

he gets close to the kitchen stove even though the pan is heated... 
he doesn't care... 

his face is very very cute... 
he was taken to the animal center by his former owner... 
what a shame.... 

Hope he would meet a new family soooon.....

黒のラブらドールレトリバー Mix が やって来た
とってもキュートな顔立ち 茶色い大きな お目目・・・
すっごくすっごく 黒毛和牛のよう・・・ 
ちょっと違うのは 長~い 足・・・
来て早々にAndyと 名づけたら
その 一分後には Andy と 呼ぶと
振り向いて 近寄ってくる・・・
なんて 賢い子なんだろう・・・

飼い主自ら 処分場に 連れ込んだだけしか分からない
彼の 以前の 生活が どんなだったか なぞ・・・

とりあえず 暫く 一緒に居ましょうね・・・