
cuculu ~such a selfcentered dog ~

Lily new our member...

Mrs.K brought us another dog today..

I saw her at the animal control center when Mrs.K took out Cuculu before...

she was in the cage and she was unstable because of having some sleeping drugs..

the stuff there tried to make her sleep so that she would have her haircut..

but not trying a fancy hair style but only sharing her back hair..

she has her skin bitten by ticks and got skin trouble...

considering those,

she looks terrible... !!!!!

such a bad looking... !!!!

Mrs.K thought...
no one would keep her because of her features...

naturally, she would be put down soon or later..


she wanted to help her life and she took her out from the animal center yesterday...


she came to my place...

she worried about how my girls would react on her..

but I told them what she looked like.. and also I showed them her pictures

which Mrs.K e-mailed me...

so, I didn't worry about it so much...

I just worry about if she would bark a lot during my working time...

my third daughter named her Lily, by the way...

Lily is such a friendly dog just like Cuculu...

Lily licks us and she lies down and shows her stomach ...

she is soooo cute as well...

first, my oldest daughter came back...

she first saw her and laughed and laughed and laughed at Lily...

she said with a smiling face...

Mom, is she O.K ? ...

she looks soooo funny!!!!!

but very cute !!!!!

then, my oldest daughter came back home and said...

Wow, she is sooooooo pretty !!!!!

very skinny though...

can I hug her ??

when my second daughter got home, I wasn't at home...

so, I didn't know how she reacted...

but she reported me Lily slept on my lap...

she is a good dog !!!!!


no worries whatever Lily looks like...

no one think she is disgusting.. or she is angry...

and I am very proud of my girls who didn't that way at all...

Lily's back hair would be long and she would be much more cuter ... !!!!

and.... about Cuculu...

how he reacted on Lily...

he tried to attack her not really seriously...

he showed his position here...

when I pad Lily, Cuculu looks at me wherever he is..

he doesn't care of Lily.. but .. he worried about our actions for Lily...

Mrs.K taught me this...

let cuculu welcomes Lily ..

teach him whoever I welcome to this house, he has to follow me...

this is a big rule ...

and Be nice !!!!!

All Right !!

I'll teach him about it..

at night, I put them in their own cage..

Cuculu was definitely O.K..

but.. Lily...

at the midnight

she started barking and howling...

and walking back and force in her cage...


I talked to her.. it's O.K... you're safe now..

no one's gonna kill you any more...

just relax and go to sleep....

when she listened to my voice, she got quiet..

but when I walked away from her,

she started barking again...

I tried to make her calm down again and again...

finally, she started sleeping ...

so, I slowly walk away from his cage...

and she slept until morning...

I could get back to sleep as well...

Cuculu was trimmed by Mrs.K...
Kさんに トリミングされてるくくる・・・
髪の毛 爪 伸び放題だったから・・・

我が家に新しくやってきた リリー・・・
ダニに身体を 噛まれたりして
皮膚に トラブル・・・
なので 処分所へ 行ったときに 
睡眠薬で 眠らされ バリカンで 背中の毛を 
バッサリ 切られて 可愛そうな姿に・・・

これでは 誰も 引き取り手が 無い・・・ と
Kさんは 彼女を 引き取り 我が家へ・・・

娘たちは 事前に 写真を見たりしていたので
可愛そうな 姿の 子を 見ても
長女は 笑い転げ
三女は かわいい~!! を連発
次女は ひざの上に 乗って眠たで~ 

と 全く 怖がりも かわいそがることも 無く
普通に 接していた・・・
ありがとう !!!!!

問題は くくる・・・
ここに来たのが 早いもんだから
歯をむき出しにして 威嚇してる・・・

だけど Kさんいわく
お母さんが 家に受け入れる子は
自分も ちゃんと 受け入れるべき って事を
と アドバイス・・・

くくるは 賢い子・・・
きっと すぐに理解してくれる・・・

処分所に 連れて来られた犬たちは
自分が 殺されるって 解るらしい・・・
小さい身体で 何も 悪い事をしていないのに
怖い思いをしながら 毎日を 生きるって どれほどのものだろう・・・

くくるも リリーも もう 怖がらなくても いいんだよ・・・

三女が 昨日 
処分所の 人たちが 殺せへんかったらいいんと違うん?

それは 大きな間違い・・・
あの人たちは 犬たちを ガス室に入れる時 
めちゃくちゃ 嫌な思いしてるよ・・・
一番悪いのは 処分所に 連れてくる 飼い主たちでしょ・・・!!!
なんの 罪もない犬たちを 殺してくれって 連れてくるんだから・・・!!!!!

個人で ボランティアで保護活動されている Kさんはすごいと思う・・・

助かった犬たちが 素晴らしい 里親さんたちに 出会えて
ずっとずっと 死ぬまで 幸せに 過ごせますように・・・ 

くくるは ケージに入れると
結構 おとなしい・・・
これは 問題なく ケージの中で 寝てくれるのね・・
と 安心するは 早かった・・・

夜中 ・・
わ~んわ~ん く~んく~ん
きゅ~ん きゅ~ん・・・


りりー 大丈夫だから・・
もう 怖くないから ・・・

声を 聞いて 安心したのか 
座って 寝むろうとしてる・・

私も ベッドへ・・
2,3分後 又 鳴き出した・・・

もう一度 そばへ行き
大丈夫やから もう寝えや~
暫く そばにいてあげよう・・・

やっと 身体を横たえて

そっとそっと私も ベッドへ・・・

暫く 聞耳を立ててたけど
泣く様子は 無い・・・
